Chapter 103

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6 months later
Emilio's POV

There was only a week left until Damon and luna's wedding. Dakota and Lexi were helping Luna pick out the perfect dress since it was summer. "Emilio come try on your suit," my dad shouted. "Why can't I just wear normal clothes?" I called back. "Just come try it on," he yelled. I walked up the stairs as slow as I could so I could piss my dad off even more. He and mum were very stressed about luna's wedding so me being unhelpful didn't help them at all. When I got to my mum and dads room, Henry, Hunter, Jaques and Cole were already in their suits. "Nice suits guys," I laughed. "Don't be mean Emilio, go into the bathroom and try yours on," my dad told me. "Where's mum?" I asked. "Helping Luna and the girls with their dresses," Henry replied. "What about Damon?" I looked around the room. "He's sleeping, he didn't have a good night last night," my dad sighed. "At least it's not every night. Maybe once a week now," I shrugged. "While your in there can you help your nephew, he won't let any of us do it," Hunter pushes me into the bathroom. "Why are you being a pickle Elijah?" I kneeled down in front of him. "I want you to help me," he smiled. "Ok, let's do it," I winked at him. I helped Elijah in to his suit then I put mine on. We walked out to see my mum start tearing up. "I look like a dick," I huffed. "Your so handsome Emilio," Henry pinched my cheek. "Piss off," I swatted his hand away. "It's perfect, we just wanted to see what it was like, you take it off now if you want," my mum told me. "Nah, I think you should keep it on, you look so cute," Hunter went to pinch my cheek but I punched him in the face before he could. "Emilio," my dad snapped. "What's a wedding without some family drama," I twisted on my heels and went back into the bathroom. When I walked out, everyone was back into their normal clothes and Hunter glared at me. "Don't pout big brother, it's not a good look," I went to pinch his cheek but he tried to hit me. When I say tried, he was no where near hitting me when I put him in a head lock. "Get off me," Hunter grunted. "Don't pinch my cheek then you asshole," I let him go then left the room. "Emilio," Luna grabbed my arm then pulled me into her room. "Give me whip lash why not," I rubbed the back of my neck. "How do you like the suit, I thought you might like it better than what the others have," Luna gave me a sad look in her eyes. Not gonna lie, I hated suits but Luna picked out a good one. "I like it, it doesn't feel as uncomfortable as what the others have to wear," I replied. "You can be honest with me," Luna sighed. "Luna, I love it, besides it's only one day that I have to wear it. I'll be fine," I reassured her. "What's daks wearing?" I asked. Luna walked over it her closet and picked up two dresses. "She looks so grown up when she's in it," Luna started to cry. "Please don't cry, your just like mum," I muttered the last part. "I can't help it," Luna wipes her eyes. "Right, I pulled you in here so I could ask you something about the wedding day," Luna put the dresses back then sat on her bed. "What's up?" I sat next to her. "Damon and i have been talking, and we have spoken to dad. How would you feel about giving me away?" Luna asked. "Are you serious?" I stood up because I couldn't believe what she was asking me. "Only if you want to, you have been such a big help for me and Damon so I figured why not," she shrugged. "I would love to give you away Luna," I replied. "Do you know what else makes this go so wee," she giggled. "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Your much taller than me," we both laughed and then she gave me a hug. "Thank you Emilio," she had her head on my chest while mine was placed on top of hers. "No problem," I smiled. "The only thing you need to do is walk down the isle with me but dad will be doing the father daughter dance at the wedding reception," Luna told me. "That's fine. I can do that," I hugged her tightly then let go. After that, my mum walked in to see us both laughing and joking. "I take it he said yes," my mum grinned. "Yeah, but I'm not changing my suit," I told her. "You look so good in it hun, don't worry," my mum sat down with us. "What's Dak and Lexi like in their dresses?" She asked Luna. "Dak looks like an adult, she's so beautiful and Lexi just looks good in everything," Luna replied. "Ok, I'm going to go find Damon," I quickly got up and left the room. Damon was in the living room asleep with Theo and Javier in their cot beside him. Javier started crying so I picked him up. "Que pasa javier?"- what's wrong javier. I rocked him. He started making noises that sounded like dada so I woke Damon up. "Asswipe your son wants you," I shouted. Damon jumped out of his skin and stood up. "Jesus Christ Emilio," he huffed out. "Javier wants you," I passed him over.  "que pasa?"-what's wrong? Damon rocked him and he slowly calmed down. Luna let me and Damon speak Spanish to Javier because I still wanted someone younger than me to teach Spanish to as my mum and dad didn't have another baby. "Is he alright?" Luna came in. "Yeah, I think he's just hungry," Damon walked away into the kitchen and come back with two spoons and baby food. "Who's gonna feed Theo?" Damon asked holding out the baby food. "I'll do it," I shrugged and took the food and spoon from him. "Are you sure?" Luna looked at me. "Positive," I smiled at her then picked up Theo. I put him in his bouncer and sat on the floor to feed him. "So, last time I asked you were with a girl called willow. How she doing?" Damon wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Good, were in most of the same classes and dude come on, I'm only 13," I cringed. "I was that age when I lost it," Damon shrugged. "That's weird stop," I told him. "It's nature mate, who knows you might be the first out of you and the twins," he smirked. "Ok, just because I have a girlfriend and she's been mine for four years doesn't mean that I'm going to lose my virginity to her," I rolled my eyes then went back to feeding Theo. "Four years damn, you guys must be really committed. When do I get to meet her?" Damon questioned me. "Luna let me invite her to the wedding so you'll meet her then. She's seen you but only for a second because you had a rough night. To be honest willow has been round a couple times in the last 15 months but you were sleeping or out so you never got a chance to meet her," I explained. "Has she ever stayed over?" He smiled. "Yes but she stayed in daks room because they became friends at school," I told him. "Nice, just remember to use protection. I think I can actually get you some," he laughed. "Can't you wait until I'm at least 16?" I whined. "Maybe," Damon chuckled then we went back to feeding Javier and Theo.

Damon's POV

I was joking around with Emilio about him and his girlfriend. Not going to lie, it wouldn't be long until he lost his v-card because he was so mature. Luna had told me that willow was very similar to Emilio on the mature side so I don't think it will be long. After Emilio finished feeding Theo he got a call. "Hello," he said. "Ok calm down where are you?" He asked. I kind of got worried a little so I studied Emilio's reactions. "I'll be there soon, you can stay at mine tonight," with that, Emilio hung up the phone and ran out of the door. "Where was he off in a hurry to?" Luna walked back into the living room. "He got a call from someone and he kind of ran out the house so I have no clue what's going on," I replied. "Mum he's done it again," Luna shouted. "That's the last time, we got to do something about it," rose called back. "She'll be here soon," Luna sat down next to me and huffed. "What's going on?" I was very confused. "Willows dad abuses her. Her mum died a couple years back and since then her dad became a drunk and started to hit her," she sighed. "How king has this been going on for?" I asked. "When we all thought you died, willows mum passed away so she's been like that for four years," Luna looked down. "Why don't your mum or dad adopt her or maybe we could do it," I suggested. "We've asked her. She loves Elijah and the twins but she always goes back to her dad," Luna started to cry. I pulled her on for a hug and let her cry into my chest. "Whenever I see her she's always got a bruise on her. I don't know what to do anymore," Luna sobbed. "Let's wait for Emilio to bring her here and then we can all talk to her. You me, your mum and dad can be here and so will Emilio, hopefully we can get through to her," I sighed. 20 minutes passed and Emilio walked through the door with a blonde haired girl crying. "Willow come here," Luna stood up and engulfed her in a hug. "I can't do it anymore Luna, he's got worse," the girl sobbed. "It's alright willow your here now and your safe no one will hurt you here," Luna told her. "What does he do to her?" I mouthed to Emilio. He nodded his head to the door and then we both walked out. "Her dad beats her. Punches, kicks her. One time I was at her house I had to hide and watch her dad beat her. Willow is a good girl but she is slowly giving up and I don't know what to do to help her," Emilio broke down. I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. "Why don't me and Luna talk to her. Maybe we can adopt her or your mum and dad can buy her off her dad to join the gang," I suggested. "Would you do that?" Emilio looked at me with watery eyes. "Of course. No girl should have to stay with a dead beat dad especially if she's still a child as well," I told him. "Emilio," a soft voice called out. He ran back into the living room and hugged the girl. "I take it your Damon," she smiled at me. "Yeah, Willow right," I returned the smile. "Yeah, all the other times I've been here you've been asleep or out. Nice to meet you," she held out her hand to shake mine since Emilio held her close to him. "You to," I shook her hand then sat down with Luna. Soon, rose and Salvatore came in and we all spoke to willow.

"I know we have spoke about this before willow but I really think you should move in with us," Rose looked at her. "I can't Rose, my dad will find me and take me away again," she teared up. "I promise you willow that your dad won't hurt you again if you stay with us. Now that Damon is back and we have the rest of the guys he won't be able to get to you," Salvatore told her. "Are you guys in a gang or something?" She laughed a little. Everyone went silent then willow got serious. "Oh shit you are," her eyes went wide. "That doesn't matter. All you need to know is that we will all keep you safe especially Emilio," I got her attention. "Ok," she sighed. "We have a spare room for you or you can stay with Emilio," Salvatore smiled. Willow looked at Emilio then at rose and Luna for help. "Whatever will make you comfortable hun it's your choice," rose leaned back in her chair. Emilio whispered something in her ear which made willow giggle. "Your so weird. I'll stay with Emilio, I think with him I will feel more safe," willow nodded her head. "That's fine, just be careful, you know what I mean," Salvatore pointed at them then left. "I'll show you around," Emilio took willows hand then they both left. "What do you think he said to her?" Luna turned to me. "I have no clue but I have a feeling," I replied. "Oh god he's going to be a horny ass teenager," Luna rolled her eyes. "So were we and we still are," I laughed. "I'm not talking about us, it's them," Luna sighed.

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