Chapter 85

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Luna's POV

When I left Damon's grave I went back home to start packing Elijah and I's things. I packed all of Elijah's clothes and toys in two boxes and all of my clothes in another two boxes. We didn't need everything as we could buy new things and we needed things here for when Elijah wanted to stay. Once I was done I got the key from mum and went to the apartment.

When I got there the people were really nice and let me go after 20 minutes of taking, saying that I've grown up so much and it's been forever. I got up to my house then put the boxes down. I found the biggest room where I put my boxes in then went to the other room. "My son can't stay in that bed," I sighed then dismantled the bed frame and threw it out. It was a good job Elijah would be at nursery for 3 more hours so it gave me time go out and buy a new bed and mattress. When I got back to the apartment with the bed, I put it together and made the bed. Elijah really liked batman so he had bed sheets of batman. As soon as I was done with the bed, I put all of Elijah's clothes in the closet the went to do the same in my room. Soon enough it was 3pm and I had to go pick up Elijah.

"How was your first day?" I smiled at him then bent down to hug him. "It was really good, I made a new friend. His name is mike," Elijah smiled. "Glad you had a good day baby boy," I stood up then we walked back to the car. "We need to go shopping to get some food and supplies for the new house, we are going to go now so it doesn't get to late," I told Elijah. "Can I get some sweets?" He asked. "Of course," then we went to the shop. I got a lot of food, cleaning products and toiletries, Elijah got some sweets but wanted biscuits. After we were done we went home for some dinner as we shopped for 2 hours. "What do you want for dinner bub?" I asked. "Can I have chicken nuggets please?" Elijah grinned. "Yeah," I smiled then drove home. It took a while as there was traffic so we got back to the apartment around 6pm. Elijah helped me with the light bags and I took up the heavier ones. Once I opened the door, Elijah put the shopping down and ran around looking mesmerised by how much space he had. "It's so big," he laughed. "Grandma brought this place when I was a baby, now it's ours," I told him. "This place is old," Elijah joked. "I'm not that old cheeky," I laughed then put all the food away. "Mummy, where's daddy?" Elijah asked me when I sat down on the sofa. "Come here," I sat him on my lap and put his head on my chest. "Your dad had to leave, there's a good reason but I'll tell you when your a bit older. Elijah we will see your dad again one day ok," I told him. "Where did he go?" I felt tears on my shirt so I knew Elijah was crying. "I'm not sure baby, but I promise that we will see him again," I sat him up then wiped his eyes with my thumbs. "Your dad didn't have a choice wether he left or not, but what I can tell you is that he got a chance to hold you when you were born. He loved you so much and still does, nothing in this world can change the fact that your dad loves you so much," I felt tears come up in my eyes. This was the first time in his life that Elijah asked about his dad, I never took him to the grave as he was to young and I didn't want him to know until he was able to take the truth. Unlike me, I let Elijah grow up at his own pace, where as I had to grow up much quicker since I was raised in a gang. "You promise that I will be able to meet him," Elijah put out his pinky. We did this thing whenever we made a promise to each other. "I promise," I hooked my pinky on to his then we let go. "You ready for dinner?" I asked. Elijah nodded his head, I put him back on the floor then went to the kitchen to cook some chicken nuggets for Elijah. I made myself some pasta so we could eat together. "Elijah go sit at the table, dinner is coming," I called out. When I got to the table, Elijah was sat down waiting for his dinner. After we ate, I bathed him then we watched a film. Half way through, Elijah fell asleep so I took him to bed. I kissed him on the forehead then went into my room, I got into one of Damon's tops that I couldn't part with so I put that on. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep straight away.

Damon's POV

While waking I found my self in a very familiar neighbourhood. The memories came back to me the I found the house. I walked through the gate and up to the door. It took me while through the pain but I managed. When I got to the front door I started banging on it. It felt like I couldn't speak, I was breathing so heavy that I couldn't get a word out. All of a sudden the door opened and I saw a familiar face. "Rose?" I got out. She had wide eyes and a shocked expression. "Oh my god," was all that came out.

Roses POV

Salvatore and I went to bed early so we could go see how Luna was settling in with Elijah at apartment. At 1am I heard the front door banging so I got up to go see who it was this early. When I opened the door, my eyes went wide and I knew my face had a shocked expression. "Rose?" The voice sounded croaky like it hurt to talk. "Oh my god," was all that came out. "Damon?" I asked. He nodded his head, I immediately helped him into the house then up to my room. "Salvatore wake the fuck up, I need you to call Luna now," I shouted as we walked into the room. "Rose, what the fuck, it's one in the morning," Salvatore woke up. "Holy shit," his eyes widened then he jumped out of bed when he saw Damon. "I need you to help him shower and bandaged up, I'll go get nick to help you," I told him. Salvatore took Damon into the bathroom and I ran to get nick. "Nick, Salvatore and I need your help," I burst in without knocking. "Que pasa?"- what's wrong. My head was spinning so I couldn't speak Spanish at that moment in time. "Come see," I said then ran back into my room. The bathroom door was closed, I heard water running so I knew Salvatore was helping Damon get cleaned. "Mum what's going on?" Henry asked, Lexi, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques and Cole behind him. "Go wait in the living room, none of you are going to school or university, someone call Luna and tell her to come here," my voice shaky and worried. "Mum it's one in the morning," Dakota whined. "Just don't go back to sleep, please just go into the living room and call Luna," I told them. "Where's dad? Why is someone having a shower at one o'clock?" Emilio rubbed his eyes. "Just go downstairs, me and your mum will explain everything soon," Salvatore shouted. I could tell he was worried and frustrated that the kids weren't listening to me. "Why do you need me in here?" Nick came in. "Can you help Salvatore in the bathroom for me please?" I started biting my nails. Nick entered the bathroom and panicked. "Holy shit," nick slammed the door. "I'll be down in the living room soon. Lexi take them all down there," I ordered. "Let's go, Dak go get your phone and call Luna," Lexi yawned. Dakota ran to her room while the others went downstairs. How is Damon here?

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