(4)Wild, Wild West: Ivan needs a nerf

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Chapter 56

Thursday, January 23, 2014

1:04 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I take out a dog bowl and pour the water from the water bottle into the bowl. I use the wind to hover the bowl right under Sombra's mouth. I shift around as I heard Sombra's tongue smack the water. I stroke Sombra's mane as I wait for the Kirin to finish. I look around the desert, there was a bunch of sand everywhere along with some cacti. In the distance, I saw a plateau with a tiny town at the base. My eyes widen as I saw horses rushing towards the town.

"I finally caught up!" I remember the map of the race. The finish line is the town after this! I quickly take out two posters and a spin arrow around my finger. I tuck one poster under my leg and drop the poster into the arrow. I launch the arrow through the air and take the bowl away from Sombra.

"Come on Sombra, we're so close!" Sombra huffed in response. The arrow disappeared just a few feet away from the person in the back. I grab the poster from under my leg and drape the poster over me and Sombra, I quickly will the poster to activate. My vision whitened just for a second before my vision went back to normal. We were facing the direction of the town. Sombra stomped his hoof before taking off towards the town.

I quickly turn around and use the wind to make the poster fly into my hand. I quickly turn back to face the front. I spin a wind arrow around my finger; I take a deep breath before firing the arrow at the person just in front of me. The person fell off their horse and flew towards the arrow. I quickly turn the arrow towards the next person. The next person fell off their horse, their body unwillingly moved towards the arrow. The two people bodies clashed as the arrow dragged them along. The arrow made its way from person to person, the arrow dragged almost everyone off their horse. There were only three people in the front that the arrow could no reach.

I stop Sombra and direct the arrow towards the ground. Bodies slammed onto the ground which was quickly followed by more bodies slamming on top of each other. Bones cracking could be heard from the bottom of the pile. Before anyone could get up I throw the poster into the air and use the wind to place the poster onto them. I quickly snap my fingers, the bodies disappeared. I look over my shoulder and see a pile of bodies back where my other poster was. I quickly turn back around and tap Sombra's sides. Sombra took off towards the town. I used the wind to quickly make the poster fly into my hands. I put the poster into my Inventory and take out another poster. I hold the top right and bottom left corner and aim the poster at the guy right in front of me. Icicles flew out of the poster and straight through his body. The guy fell on his horse's neck. Sombra quickly ran past the horse. I notice two people on the same horse in the front. There were only two people that came to mind, Ron and Abraham. There was another person on their own horse right behind them.

I ignore the person and make a knife like icicle. I drew my arm back and whipped my hand to the front, before the arrow could leave my hand I used Wind cannon to launch it through the air. The sharp point of the icicle was aimed towards Ron's chest. I smile as the icicle turned flipped its direction and flew in my direction. Sombra ran to the side, I extended my arm out towards the icicle. Before the icicle could stab my hand, I pull my hand in towards my chest at the last second. Everything stopped as I felt a wave of energy rush through my body. I make a fist and create icicles between my fingers. I pour my magic into my arms as I throw the icicles towards Ron and Abraham. The icicles froze just a few feet away from them. I quickly change my focus towards the other person. Sombra ran up to their side, I simply use Wind Cannon on them before Sombra ran off towards the direction of the town.

Time went back to normal as I passed Ron and Abraham. I look behind my shoulder. I saw Ron clutch his chest, the other person right behind them was sent flying; the person landed a few yards away. The person gripped his chest as they heaved for air. Ron aimed his finger towards me. Bright yellow rings formed around his arm, his arm shot up into the air as the rings were shot in my direction. I turn around and try to steer Sombra to the side. Before Sombra could move in time a hot and burning sensation spread throughout my left shoulder. I grunt as I turn my head over my shoulder to glare at Ron. His shirt soaked up the blood coming from his chest. Abraham glared at me, smoke rose from Abraham's body.

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