Segway go Brrrrrrr

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A/n: I'm sorry to say this but chapters might come out slower because of school. Thank you for understanding.

Chapter 44 

Saturday December 21, 2013

7:00 am

(Ivan's POV)

I put on my shoes and stand up. Sombra suddenly rushed to my side and nuzzled his head on my cheek. I try walking to the exit of the mansion but Sombra kept pushing me to the side. The second I put my foot on the first step of the staircase Sombra ran in front of me and transformed into a necklace. Somehow Sombra was wrapped around my neck. I take off Sombra and throw him up into the air. He changed back into his Kirin form midair. Sombra quickly changed into a necklace and wrapped himself around my neck again. I take him off again and throw him up into the air. He once again changed back into a Kirin midair.

"Sombra nooo," I say in a gentle tone. Sombra simply nuzzled his head against my cheek. "It's dangerous." Sombra neighed in response and stomped on the ground. "Sombra I don't want you to get hurt." He whined sadly. Goldie suddenly appeared from out of nowhere.

"Take him with you!" Goldie said.

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"I don't want him to get hurt." Sombra rested his head on top of mine.

"He'll be fine. As long as he stays near you he should be fine." I stroke the side of Sombra's head softly. When was the last time he was with me anyways?


9:00 am

I step off the subway along with Dominique, Jeremy, and Jen. We silently walk out of the subway station. My eyes were blinded by bright light. How can a city underground be so bright? I knew we took a subway from Magebourne to another city, but Magebourne is nowhere near this bright. We're still underground right?

I follow Dominique through the city. The city was less colorful than Magebourne but it felt more real? It was definitely smaller. It just felt like a normal town you could find anywhere in the world. It felt fresh compared to Magebourne. Dominique walked to a random Walmart's parking lot and walked towards a Nissan car. They even have Walmarts here?

I got in the back with Jeremy while Dominique and Jen got in the front. I take out four masks and gloves. I hand them the masks and gloves while I put on mine. I take out four M16s and hold on to them as Dominique drove across the town and into a tunnel. Dominique stopped the car, I quickly got out and laid out a thin black strip of blacks across the tunnel several yards from the car.

I notice two doors on the side of the tunnel. I wonder where they lead. I run back to the car and grab my M16 and wait for by the front of the car. Dominique, Jeremy, and Jen got out of the car and waited by the car with me. I hear the echoes of a van bounce of the walls. I take a deep breath and imagine the car along with us blending into the background. I bite my tongue as I hear tires screech and a loud crash into the wall. Another set of tires screech quickly followed the crash. The second I hear the second van crash I let the illusion go and run to one of the vans with Jeremy. Two guards burst out of the back of the van with guns aimed towards Jeremy. I quickly use the wind and force their guns to fly out of their hands. Smoke started to pour out of their bodies as we got closer. I focus my magic into arms and aim at one of the guards. I pull the trigger and quickly aim my gun at the other guard. The bullet hit his neck as I pulled the trigger. The guard went down quickly.

I run to the back of the van while Jermery pulled the driver out of the van. I hopped into the back and slammed the doors shut. I quickly pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. I made the wind carry it as I turned to the crates. My eyes widened as I saw the truck almost filled to the brim with crates. There were maybe a couple of feet for me to actually move in. I took a deep breath and started putting the crates into my Inventory. I heard shouting outside the van along with guns going off. I focused my magic into my arms. The crates easily went up into the air. It barely took me a minute before most of the crates were into my Inventory. I started to tire out as the number of crates dwindled down. The second I put the last crate into my Inventory I turned around and grabbed the flashlight out of mid-air to put into my Inventory.

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