The Boring Training Arc Part 2

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Chapter 9

Thursday December 18, 2012

5:51 pm

(Ivan's POV)

When the video started, I saw two people standing in an arena that was underground. The arena was loud, and I saw a lot of people cheering for this guy named Rome. The first person I saw was some guy who looked like he was in his mid-forties. He was on the right side of the arena. He looked like a crackhead that rolled around in the mud. He looked like he was starving, and I saw that his clothes were hanging loosely on him. The person on the right looked like he was around my age. He was more muscular and he was tall for his age. His clothes were clean and smooth, and he had some sort of bag on his back. At his side he had a sword, but I didn't know what kind of sword it was. The sword was long and it curved a little, but it didn't look like a katana. It was bigger than a katana. I heard a buzzer ring and they started to run at each other. I wonder which one is the demigod. It better not be the crack head or else I might give up on life.

(Third person Omniscient POV)

As the buzzer rang the two figures rushed at each other the person with the sword jumped high into the air. When he started to fall back down, he did some strange hand signs, when he was done his back arched back and fire came from his mouth. The crackhead quickly dodged the fireball, but the other person was already there. He went for a quick punch to the sides, but the crackhead suddenly crumpled to dust. He began to do the weird hand signs again, but this time he was interrupted when the crackhead reassembled himself out of dirt and kicked him in the head. As he went flying through the air, he did the same hand signs as before and this time instead of a fireball a huge burst of flames surrounded him and expanded away from him. The crackhead couldn't doge this attack. When he was hit with the flames, he managed to block some of it with the smoke around the body which came Soul. He quickly made a golem out of dirt. The golem was eight feet tall and it had four arms coming out from the sides.

At first the golem wasn't moving. It started moving when the crackhead put some of his aura into the golem. The golem started to rush at the other person. He reached into his bag without looking and he pulled out some paper. He threw the paper at the golem. Somehow unlike normal paper it flew through the air and it stuck itself to the golem. In the next second the golem exploded. He didn't notice the crackhead sneak up behind him and the crackhead pulled out a knife and went for his throat. when the knife struck his throat, smoke appeared. The crack head took a few steps back and looked around the arena, but he was nowhere to be found. When he looked back at where the person with the sword was a boulder stood in his place.

He decided to spread out the smoke surrounding him. After a few seconds of doing that he stopped. He looked alert, but eventually when a few minutes passed he started to calm down. He made multiple golems and made them surround him. Suddenly the boulder broke into pieces and out came the other person surrounded in a ball of fire. The golems tried to grab him but when they did the fire spread on to them and started to burn them. The crackhead started to turn into dirt again. The other guy started to do the same hand signs from before and this time he was able to finish. When he finished it, the ground was engulfed in flames. The crack head came out of the ground and he started to scream. He quickly took out his sword and dashed towards him. In a blur he stabbed him in the middle of his torso, and he started to use all his strength to move his sword though the body. When he got he sword through the body he started to walk away and the video ended.

5:57 pm

(Ivan's POV)

When the video ended, I was stunned at what I just saw. Can all demigods fight like that? How can he just move so fast? What does this have to do with my training? I look at Dominique and he was doing something on his phone. I took this chance to ask what I was going to do. "What does the video have to do with my training." He ignores me and he shows me his phone. The plays the video again, but this time it was only the part when the guy with the sword was in the air at the beginning of the fight. Instead of showing everything that happened the video was zoomed in on the hand gestures he was doing. Thankfully this time it was in slow motion so I could see what he was doing. I still didn't know what was happening. I look at Dominique again and he this time he was looking at me with a devilish grin.

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