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Chapter 43

Sunday, December 15, 2013

10:43 am

(Ivan's POV)

I wake up and slowly sit up. I notice Goldie sleeping on the corner of my bed. Why is she there? I lay my head down on the pillow and stare up at the ceiling. What Am'I supposed to do today? I got nothing to do, Dominique, and the other people in the group aren't going to prepare for the robbery today. My body suddenly vibrates, I instinctively take out my phone. There was one singular message from Wayne.

"You free? I'm going back to camp today. You wanna fight?"

I think about ignoring the message. I don't have anything to do, but on the other hand, I don't want to fight. After a moment of thinking I decide to fight Wayne.


11:12 am

I walk up to the colosseum while looking around for Wayne. I wait by the entrance for a bit. It took a while for Wayne to show up. Wayne had a chest plate but nothing else. Why didn't he cover the rest of his body?

"Sup," Wayne said first.

"Hey," I responded.

"Anyone else inside?" I shake my head.

"Are we even allowed to use the colosseum without permission?" Wayne shrugged.

"As long as no one finds out."

3:00 pm

I limp out of the colosseum with Wayne shuffling his feet by my side. I glare at him as the colosseum got further and further away from us.

"Did we have to be there for so long?" Wayne slightly moved his arm around as he groaned from the pain.

"Maybe if you didn't keep flying it wouldn't have been long!"

"You fire scares me!" Wayne rolls his eyes as he created a ball of fire in the palm of his hands. He bounced the fire up and down on his hands.

"The fire isn't even that bad."

"You clearly haven't been burned before."

"And I never will." I silently get closer to him and secretly take out a lighter out of my Inventory. I put the lighter under his elbow and light it. He quickly jumped to the side while holding his elbow. "Is that what it feels like?"

"No." I put the lighter in my Inventory. As I open my hands I felt the space beneath my fingers burn. I look down and see pieces of my skin looked like it was torn off. I close and open my hands multiple times. Each time my hand felt like it was being stretched. I open my hands and put them in my pockets. Hopefully, that will heal soon.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Wayne asked. I shrug.

"I was going to go home."

"You wanna get something to eat first?"

"Like what?"

"I dunno? A burger?" My mind immediately thinks about that burger place Michael showed me in the marketplace.

"Sure." Wayne nods and we walk in silence for a bit. I looked over to Wayne and open my mouth.

"I know this place with fries. Wanna get some after?" Wayne thought about it for a moment.

"What kind of fries do they have?"

"I honestly don't know."

3:23 pm

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