A Dying Flame

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A/n: I'm so sorry for coming out with this chapter a bit late! I have been very busy with exams recently! I will be busy with more exams for a few more weeks before school ends. Please be patient until the next chapter!

Chapter 88

Monday, May 27, 2014

4:26 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I walk up to the door and shift my feet nervously. I plant both hands on the door and push. I groan with effort, the door scraped against the ground. I took a breath of air as the door swooshed open. I flex my arms and look around the room, to my surprise the room was completely lit up. The room was completely empty, on the other side of the room were two sword-shaped holes in the wall. I walk up to the holes, I stare at it with confusion. I take out my hammer and set it on the ground.

I tap my feet impatiently. What Am'I supposed to put in the hole? Did I miss something? I take out Retribution and pull apart the hilts. I hold the swords up to the hole. The sword's length, curve, and even the hilt fit the hole perfectly. I bite my lip as I stared at Retribution.

It painfully dawned on me that Retribution would have to go if I wanted to leave the dungeon. My heart slowly beat in my chest. Before I could put in the swords, a box appeared.

New quest!

Defeat the final boss!


New weapon!

New Shield!

New skill!

+100 points to your Mp bar

+50 Insta-heals

+10 Dex

Skill Switch


600 xp

50 points

Failure Consequences:





I quickly click accept, I put one sword in the hole and look at the last piece of Retribution. I smile sadly at the sword, I slowly run my finger down the flat side of the blade. I admired the light reflected off the bright gold colors on Retribution. I looked at my reflection in the dark blue lines running down the sword. I felt the weight of the sword in my hand for the last time before I had to place Retribution into the hole. I bend down and grab my hammer. I changed the hammer into its armor form as the wall slowly sunk into the ground.

I stepped into a big, wide empty room. The room had a steep slope that led up to a robot. The robot was wearing what looked like medieval armor. The robot's armor had rust littering the once shining silver armor. The robot slowly looked down at me. The robot struggled reaching for the sword and shield on its back. The sword's golden color sparkled in the light, an ocean blue line running down the middle of the medieval-looking sword and onto its hilt.

The robot's shield had a silver circular pattern in the middle of the shield. The robot's head shook as it finally looked down at me. Its bright blue eyes behind its helmet peered into my body. The robot slowly put down its weapon. The robot crossed its arms. The robot kneeled.

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