Plumbing and economics is also fun

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Chapter 47

Monday, December 23, 2013

4:13 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I lay there on my bed as I stare up at my new perk.

Weiss's agility (Tier 1)

+13 to Dex. +10 to Vit.

How'd did I get this?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

8:00 am

I walk up to the Fūjin cabin and walk-in. I look around for Qaid and see him nowhere. Is he sleeping? I walk to the part where all the beds were and look for his shoes. I eventually find his shoes near a hole. I crouch and knock on the wood covering the door.

There was no answer.

I grab the handle and gently open it. Qaid was sleeping peacefully.

I poke his cheek with the wind. He simply rolled over. I roll my eyes as I lean into the hole and shake him roughly. He snorted before opening his eyes and sitting up.

"Wha?" He questioned as he hazily looked around. His eyes focused on me. He rubbed his eyes before talking. "Ivan, what?"

"You said we were meeting up," I said.

"Did we have to do it in the morning?"

"Well, we didn't say a time," Qaid grumbled before climbing out of the hole and putting on his shoes.

"What are we doing today?" I shrug.

"Something about flowing water."

"Oh yeah." He groaned. "Lemme just wake up Jax."

8:37 am

"So what are we looking for?" I ask Qaid and Jax as we enter the library. Jax turned around and answered.

"Plumbing?" He said with an uncertain tone. Qaid looked over his shoulder and stared at us.

"Let's just go to the tables first. We gotta talk about some things first." I nod.

I and Jax follow him to the tables. We each take a seat on opposite sides of each other. Jax looked to Qaid.

"So what are we doing?" Qaid stared blankly down at the table. He snapped his head in my direction.

"Ivan what are we doing." I open my mouth but didn't say anything. What Am'I supposed to say?

"Something about flowing water." I manage to sputter out. Jax looked annoyed. He pushed his glasses back onto his nose and responded.

"But what about it specifically? Plumbing? Running water? Drinkable water? Do we even have permission to do this?" Jax simply questioned. I slide down in my chair as Qaid answered.

"We're trying to make the camp like the modern world. To do that... we need to start with the basics. Like running water." Jax took in a deep breath.

"Even the basics are hard! It's gonna take so much time, resources!" We pointed to himself, then twisted his hand in a circle. "It's just the three of us! Do-" Before he could say anymore, I readjust myself in my seat and interrupt him.

"But! What about making life easier for us? Or for the whole camp? True we might not have the resources but," I pointed to myself. "I can get them easily!" Jax opened his mouth to talk but I wouldn't let him talk. "Plus we have all the time in the world! It's not like we're going to have trouble with physical labor, we have magic." Jax stared blankly me at me.

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