Pre-boss fight

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Chapter 87

Monday, May 27, 2014

4:23 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I transform Virtue into its armor form and strap Temperance to my arm with a fistful of tape. I made sure it was properly stuck to my arm. I step onto the platform, I groan as the platform lifted me up. The weight of Virtue weighed down on my body, my stamina bar went down by one point once the platform made it to the top. I take a deep breath and let out a loud breath of air.

Should I even be wearing this armor? It's heavy and I could already tell that it's going to be a struggle moving around and jumping. It's great protection though. I bounce on my toes and flex my arms. I might as well try it first, I could quickly swap it out for its hammer form anyway.

I look towards the dark tunnel in the room, I back up and sprint. I felt like ages before I reached the end of the platform, I jump, stumble forward, and took rapid shallow breaths. That was just pathetic, I could barely run, I was so slow. I sigh and walk into the tunnel. My vision was instantly engulfed by black as I walked through the tunnel. I felt the middle of my stomach start to tingle, I stop and quickly send out a blast of air around me. I suddenly found myself in the middle of a room with a small group of raptor robots, five human robots, and two robots with cannons as arms. A raptor sprinted towards me. I made a spike from a shadow that shot through the robot and carried the robot towards my feet. I quickly take out Retribution and swung my spear at the robot's neck. The head fell clean off. A human-robot with an axe rushed towards me with its weapon raised. I waited until the robot swung its axe down, I step out of the way. I felt everything stop before the image of the robots disappeared from my mind.

I thrust my spear through the robot and quickly pull out. I swing my spear at the robot, the robot collapsed. I felt my upper body begin to tingle, before I could move, a raptor tackled me onto the ground. I groaned as I fell on my back, I slip into the shadows and reappeared a few inches away. I swung at where the raptor was, I tensed my arm as my spear went straight through the air. I felt the top of my head being to tingle as the backside of my head began to tingle. I form a shadow spike aiming above my head. I crawl out only to get a swift kick to my side, the kick barely nudged me. I struggled to get up as the human-robot kept kicking me. I sent out another blast of air around me. My eyes widened as the swarm of robots started to rush towards me, the robot that kicked me swung its sword at my head. I drop Retribution and transform Unrelenting Forgiveness into its sword form, I block the robot's attack, the robot flew black as I transformed my sword into its earring form. I quickly pick up Retribution as a group of raptors jumped towards me.

I drop a handful of pebbles and step into the shadows. I snap my fingers as I reemerged from the shadows. A piercing ringing noise filled my ears as the robots faded from my mind. I felt my back begin to tingle, I quickly turn around and thrust my Retribution in front of me. Retribution was pushed away from a sword, the right side of my chest began to tingle, I held in a scream as the sword penetrated my armor. I drop Retribution, with a single thought, Virtue returned back into its hammer form. I yelled as I swung the hammer at the robot. I gasped for air as the hammer slammed into the robot's side. The robot stumbled to the side, the hammer weighed down the left side of my body, I weakly swing the hammer at the robot's head. The weight of the hammer increased as the robot fell, I quickly made my way towards the robot and lift the hammer up into the air. I groaned before I changed the hammer back into its armor form. I formed Winter Rose as I felt everything in my body begin to tingle.

I quickly change the armor back into its hammer form and drop the hammer, a loud ringing noise filled my ears as I desperately jump out of the way. The stab wound in my torso burned as I fell on the ground, my head jerked back at the sudden kick to my nose. I powered through the pain and placed the tip of Winter Rose on the ground. Ice quickly crawled across the floor and formed a wall between me and the group of robots. I quickly got up and held my side. I groaned as I took out a medium-health potion to drink. I felt tears form in my eyes as my nose flared with pain.

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