Driving is easy

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Chapter 49

Wednesday, December 26, 2013

8:36 am

(Ivan's POV)

My body shook as I woke up. I blink several times before sitting up. My eyes widen as I remember about my hand. I quickly look at my hand and breathe in a sigh of relief. My hand was thankfully back to normal. I smile as I get up and off my bed.

"I'm so glad sleep fixes everything."

8:52 am

Alice's sister looked at my hand with a confused look.


"Sleep helps."

Sunday, December 29, 2013

12:27 pm

I walk around aimlessly in Magebourne as I remember what Goldie told me. I turn a corner then go straight before smiling up at my destination.

"Medicine." What a weird name for a shop. I walk inside and start wandering the isles. I read the labels as I walked down the aisle.

Cough syrup, Cough drops, Benadryl. I suddenly stop a bottle confused. Coca-cola? I picked up the bottle and read the back.

"Can cure headaches, upset stomachs, and fatigue!" I said as I read. Weird. I put the bottle back and keep on wandering around. I notice a bottle of pain killers on a shelf. I always wondered if they stopped the pain or did more. I pick up the bottle and use Inspect.

Pain B GONE- You won't be able to feel pain but if used a lot you might develop an addiction. 3% less damage taken.

This sounds good, I doubt I'll even use it that often. I hold on to it and look around. My eyes flittered the store as I looked for something that could protect against frostbite. I smile as I finally notice it after a few minutes of searching. I pick up the box and use Inspect on it.

Frostbite preventative- Can cure or block frostbite when applied.

I notice another box next to it called Burn preventative. I grab it and head to the counter. I quickly pay for my stuff before leaving.

When I got out, I quickly put my items in my Inventory. I start to make my way back to the elevator. As I walked, I suddenly hear my name.

I suddenly turn around and see Dominique quickly walk up to me. He looked down at me happily.

"Did you get taller?"


"Oh, you seem different."

"Nothing has changed about me." He shrugged.

"Oh hey, I need your help. I was gonna look for you but-"

"Yeah, I know. What do you want."

"Just follow me." He turned around and walked. I rolled my eyes as I followed him.

"So what are we doing?"

"Okay, so you know how I have a Gun store?"


"I decided to also a Car dealership after we did that heist."

"Why would you do that."

"What do you need my help with?"

"I just need you to get some cars for me."

"I'm gonna steal cars?"

"Yeah." I look up at Dominique with a confused look.

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