I don't like where this is going

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Author's note: Before I start, I just wanted to say that if you notice any grammar mistakes in the story please tell me. Thank you!

Chapter 3

Sunday 2, 2012

8:55 am

(Third person limited POV)

'How do I open the menu?' Thinking of a few ways that he can open the menu he had an idea that he thought sounded stupid. "Profile." As soon as he finished saying those words a box appeared. 'Holy shit that actually worked?'

Before you open the Profile tab, would you like to take the tutorial?



Feeling like he did something, he pressed yes. What he saw in the box made him let out a sigh as he began to prepare for how much he would have to read. 'Oh god this is going to take a while.'

Hello welcome to the tutorial! As you can probably expect we are going to teach you the basics of the system. First to open the system you can say or think: Profile, Stats, Skills, Abilities, Perks, Inventory, or Quests to open the system. (Note: what ever you say would lead you to the tab for the word you said. For example, if you said "Stats" it would lead you to the Stats tab.

The Profile tab tells you what your level is, and what your title is. Your title tells you what you see yourself as, and it gives you a bonus to your skills, abilities, and stats if the title makes sense for it to change any those. When you scroll down if tells you about your appearance. (Note: these may change later in your life.)

The Stats tab tells you your stats. Each time you level up your stats increase. You can also increase your stats by using your points to increase it, finishing quests, and by doing specific actions (For example, if you want to increase your strength you would lift weights to increase it.) Each stat does specific things that can either help you in life or help you survive battles.

List of what the stats do

Str- Tells you how strong you are.

Dex- Tells you how agile you are.

Vit- Helps you increase your stamina and Hp as you level up, also helps you recover Hp and stamina.

Wis: Helps you recover Mp, also helps you make better choices.

Int: Helps you increase your Mp as you level up, also decreases the Mp costs for your abilities.

Luc: Gives you better loot.

The Skills/Abilities tab tell you what skills or abilities you have. Both skills and abilities can be leveled up and can have Subskills. Subskills are part of the main ability or skill. (For example, for your Aero Kinesis ability it tells you what attacks you can do with the skill, while your Understanding of the English language skill tells you how much you know about the topic).Not all skills and abilities have Subskills. Skills will usually cost no Mp to use and will instead tell how well you can do those actions or how much you know about a topic. An ability will usually cost Mp to use. You can acquire skills and abilities by doing quests, specific actions, skill books, or by very rare monster drops.

The Perk tab tells you what kind of perks you have. Perks cannot be leveled up, but they can evolve. Perks can either work all the time or help you under specific circumstances. You can get new perks by doing quests or it can be acquired by special events.

The Inventory tab tells you what you have in your inventory. It has an infinite amount of space. You don't have to use the tab to use your inventory, you can just think about putting an item in your inventory or taking the item out.

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