Stupid ape

353 12 1

Chapter 25

Monday November 25, 2013

8:32 am

(Ivan's POV)

I jump a bit at the voice. Before I could turn around, the door suddenly burst open. The force from the door sent me flying into the room. I crashed into a hard wooden surface, the moment I crashed, a pile of books fell on top of me. I heard the voice say, "Oh." My back felt like a brick fell onto from the top of a building. I push the books off me and get up with an annoying, sore feeling in my back. I hear the grunt of a ape before the sounds of its footsteps quickly approached me. I use the wind to throw the pile of books at the ape. The ape swiftly dodged all them easily. I quickly run to the side and enter a random hallway of bookshelves. The building was filled with bookcases. I guess this is the library of the place. I ran deeper into the building, everything looked the same. Why does everything in this camp have to look the same? I eventually stumble into a wide space with tables littering the place. This does feel like a library.

I suddenly hear a bookcase crash a few feet away behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see the ape hopping from bookcase to bookcase. My eyes widen as the ape looked eyes with me. I sent of wave of wind hoping it would knock him off.  The ape flew back as the wind hit it square with his chest. In the distance I hear the ape crash onto the floor along with the sound of books falling. I run off deeper into the library. Before I could leave the area with the tables I hear loud thumps get closer and closer. I flew to the top of a bookcase. On the other side of the bookcase was the Oni wondering the aisles of books. I put both of my swords in my Inventory and take out Tribute. I take a deep breath as I aim Tribute at the Oni. I put in ten points of Mp and pull the trigger. My arms swing up as the bullet flew into the Oni. Instead of hitting the Oni the bullet hit a book on the bookcase. Before the Oni could do anything, I quickly put Tribute into my Inventory and jump onto the Oni. I landed on the Oni's face as it turned around; I swiftly wrapped my legs around the Oni's leg. I quickly take out Retribution and stab one of the swords in its neck. The Oni flailed its arms as I jammed the other sword into its eye. The Oni grabbed my my waist. I use Wind's Cannon to force the swords deeper into the Oni. The Oni didn't flinch as the swords were hilt-deep into its body.

The Oni tightened its grip around my waist. The air escaped from my lungs as Oni's grip got tighter and tighter.  I use Wind Slash on its wrist, the attack barely cut through the skin. I desperately used Wind Slash again and again, hoping that at least one of attacks would hurt the Oni enough to drop me. My Ice Exoskeleton cracked from the force of the Oni's grip. My head became fuzzy as I began gasping for air. My eyes bulged out of my head from the pressure building up in my chest. I use Wind's Cannon on the Oni's head. The Oni's grip loosened as the Oni stumbled back. I quickly use the wind to pull out the sword from its neck to slash its arm. The Oni let me go as soon as the made a gash going from its wrist to its elbow. The sword clattered on the ground as the Oni inspected its arm. A stream of air rushed into my lungs as I fell to the ground. There was a strange, numbing feeling in my arms. I winced as I moved my arms. Anytime they would move a inch, a wave my of pain would run up and down my arm. 

I quickly got back on my feet and ran to the sword. The weight of the sword made my arms felt like it was going to tear its self off. The sword felt heavy in my arms. It took all my energy to hold onto the hilt. The Oni suddenly let out a howl as it charged towards me. It swung its club at my head. I quickly ducked and struck at its ankle. The Oni countered with a kick to the stomach. My body hunched over its foot as the force of the kick lifted me off the ground. I let go of my sword and use the wind to slash its chest. The Oni ignored the cut and swung its club onto my head. I tried to move my body but my body refused to move. The club smashed onto the top of my head. I collapse to the ground face first. I sense the Oni about to stomp on me. I forced myself to roll to side. I concentrate on the sword in the Oni's eye. I used the rest of my Mp to take out the sword and make random scratches on its face in desperation. The Oni swatted at sword. I quickly let go of the sword and catch it again when it was around its stomach. I  thrust the sword into the Oni's gut; I notice my Mp bar about to turn completely gray. I move the sword randomly around in the Oni's gut. The Oni stopped for a moment before falling on its side.

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