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Chapter 77

Saturday, May 23, 2014

9:42 am

(Ivan's POV)

I picked up the long steel blade and hold it up in the air. The blade shined in the light. I nod as I put the sword back on the rack and turn around to face the shop. It's nice seeing a sword that isn't curved or short for once. I scanned the shop and looked for the Japanese swords and spears. I spot Zacharias' smile as he picked up a knife that had tiny shark-like spikes on the left side, the tip of the knife dipped down and formed a sharp knife-like point. I walk around the shop, I stared at the various amounts of weapons sitting on the racks as I walked by. It didn't take long for me to find the Japanese rack in the small, weird-smelling shop.

A musty, sewer-like smell attacked my nose as a big, obese man rushed past me and tried to speed walk straight towards the Japanese rack. I watched as the man excitedly picked up a Katana, his chest breathed heavily with each second. I gagged as I stepped five feet away from him. My stomach churned with a nauseous, heavy feeling. I squeeze my nose and walk up to the rack. The man glared at me as I used the wind and to take: 3 Daitō swords, a Kanabo, and Ju-Monji Yari. To my surprise, the weapons I just picked were immediately replaced with the same weapons I just picked. The man scoffed at me, I quickly walk away and take a deep breath the second I was away from him. I walk up to the counter and stare at the old, gruff man behind the cashier. His arms were thick and covered with scars. I put the weapons neatly on the counter and stare up at the old man.

"How much would this be?" I asked the man. The man looked down at me with a disappointed look.

"You've been watchin too much ani mays?" The man said in a mocking voice.

"What's anime?" The man raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"Neva mind." The man said. " Sevin hundred dollas." I nod and pull out the change. The man happily took my money. I take my weapons and quickly put them in my Inventory.

I walk out of the store and start heading towards the train station. I heard Zacharias run up behind me, he heavily breathed as the bright orb quickly followed behind him. The orb fell on his shoulder.

"I didn't know you liked swords." Zacharias said through ragged breaths.

"I don't," I said dryly. "I'm just buying them for a friend."

"Oh," Zacharias said disappointingly. "I always kind of wanted to learn how to use one though." He said while looking at the ground. I look at Zacharias in the corner of my eye. I shrug at his response.

"I don't think it's that hard to use one though." Zacharias had a confused face.

"Don't people take years to master them though?" I shrug.

"I don't know if they do, but I feel like guns are way better than swords."

"But swords are cooler,"

"But sword fighting sucks, it hurts getting cut, it hurts when you get stabbed. At least with guns, it's quick."

"I still think swords are cooler." Zacharias pouted. I ignore him and keep on walking." I stare at the orb on Zacharias's shoulder. It stayed hovering slightly above Zacharias's shoulder. I notice that Zacharias didn't even need to be using Soul for his power to be activated. Is that how Soul works or is Zacharias special? I've never seen a power be activated when the user wasn't using Soul. Was does that orb do anyway? Is it like Jenny's power where it gives Zacharias information, maybe it's just a burning ball of gas? If it was a burning ball of gas then I would probably feel the heat from here.

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