Where's the armor?

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Chapter 28

Tuesday November 26, 2013

7:30 am

(Ivan's POV)

My body jolts up as a ring of a bell bounced off the walls. Wood scraped as it moved across the floor. I reluctantly move the floor above me and climb out of the hole. People were groaning as they rose from their hole. The new leader of the cabin waited by the door as he waited for everyone to crawl out from their holes. Once everyone was out, he walked out the door without saying a word. Everyone followed after him, most of them grumbling.  I followed after them without hesitation. 

A wave of heat hit my body as I stepped outside. Why is it so hot? I grudgingly walked behind my siblings. As I followed behind them I notice how wet, and dirty my shirt was. The shirt was drenched with sweat, there were small specks of dirt around my torso. I really want to take a shower, or brush my teeth. I feel so dirty wearing this shirt. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I peek over my shoulder and see a teenage boy handing me a map. Who was he again?

"I made the map." I take the map from his hand.

"Thanks." He nodded and walked off. I completely forgot him. I scan the map quickly. The map had a each cabin mapped out along with each buildings that you would see in a city. Mostly things like libraries, a trade center, and a playground. Why does the camp have a trade center? I ignore the thought and put the map in my Inventory. I stretch as I thought about sneaking back into bed. I notice other groups join as we turned corners. I wonder what's the point of waking up this early, this better be important. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I look to the side to see Michael walk by my side.

"Goud Moorning." Michael said as he was yawning.

"Hey"  I said as I crack my neck trying to loosen up body. 

"I can't wait to start training!"

"We got up early just to train?" I groan internally. I don't want to do anything right now.  Maybe later, but not now.


"How do you know?"

"My siblings told me." Michael said proudly. I nod as I crack my knuckles. In the corner of my eye I notice Michael staring at me.

"Isn't cracking your knuckles bad for you?"

"I don't think so, it feels nice anyway so I'm going to do it." He shrugged but I hear Alice's voice behind me. I let out a groan as she spoke.

"That's actually a myth, it doesn't matter if you crack your knuckles. It only matters when you feel pain from it."

"Really?" Michael asked. She appeared my Michael's side while nodding.

"Also Good Morning." Alice added. Michael replied with a good morning. I didn't bother saying anything.

"Alice, what do we do when we train?" I asked, slightly curious. I was slightly hoping that it would something like light jogging and not sprinting with weights tied to our ankles.

"I don't know, its different each time." I nod silently.

"Where do we train?" Michael asked. Alice quickly pointed to the colosseum

"At the colosseum you idiot." I forgot about the colosseum. I never had to go in it.

"In Michael's defense we never had to go in it or near it." 

"It's still pretty big, it's hard to miss."

"What's a colosseum?" Michael asked. I look around for the colosseum, I quickly notice it a few miles? Might be yards to my side.  It slowly got bigger as we walked towards it. I notice blue flags poking out on the top. I hear Alice in the background explaining to Michael what a colosseum was.  Alice's explanation suddenly ended. We walked in silence for a little bit before we finally got to the entrance. I notice weapon racks holding all sorts of weapons I couldn't identify. There were spears that had blades at different lengths, the swords looked the same with the exception of the blades sizes, there were some other weapons that had unique shapes to them. Some of the uniquely shaped weapons had L-shaped blades, some others were Bo-staffs with tiny spikes on each end. I approached a weapon rack and picked a random sword. The sword had a tiny curve that wasn't too noticeable, unlike the Katana I didn't have to use two hands to hold it. The blade was shorter than the Katana but it was also a lot more lighter. I might try this one out. Michael walked up to my side.

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