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Chapter 91

Tuesday, May 28, 2014


(Ivan's POV)

I look up as I opened my eyes. I stared blankly as people in robes and saddles walked by. I found myself sitting at a table. I quickly noticed that the clothing I was wearing before was now transformed into a plain white robe, I looked down at my face and saw brown, open-toed sandals under my feet. A red sheet wrapped around my neck and hung low to my chest.

I looked around at the buildings made of white stone. The designs of the buildings were unique, the buildings had intricate designs embedded into the stone. The corners of the roofs had swirls going up, the pillars holding up the building had lines running down them. My mind instantly recognized it as a Greek-styled building. I listened to the people talking around me. Everyone was speaking a language I couldn't recognize.

This can't be ancient Greece, right? I know Nuxiel can do a lot of things but time travel? I happily look around and stared at the buildings. My legs bounced up and down with excitement. I got up from my seat and walked out onto the street. I turn my head over my shoulder, I saw Nuxiel sitting at the table I was just sitting at. He had a plate full of bread, beans, and olives. He scooped the olives and beans onto a piece of bread before putting it in his mouth. I walk over to the table and sit back down.

Nuxiel waited to swallow his food before greeting me. "I called you here because you wanted to talk about something." I nod and laid my elbow on the table. Nuxiel summoned a cup of wine. The cup was in the shape of an oval, there were long wide handles on the sides, beneath the cup was a round piece of clay holding the cup up.

"I was just wondering, wouldn't it be better for the demigods to just leave? Why do you need me to control them? It would be much easier without the demigods trying to help the gods? I know some who have already lost hope for a future for the camp, they want to leave." Nuxiel took a large sip of his wine before responding.

"We need the demigods to see the gods die." He said before going back to his food.

"But why?" I asked. Nuxiel snapped his fingers, a plate of meat and bread appeared right in front of me. I take a quick bite of the meat, my toes curled up from the spices exploding in my mouth.

Nuxiel stared down at his food. "In five months you'll understand." Nuxiel lifted his head. "Until then I want you to train, you can focus on other stuff, but for five months you'll have to train." I tapped my finger on the table nervously.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"You'll kill a god, an old Aztec god that was barely worshipped. Anenoid was able to kill most of the Aztec gods but there are always some that are forgotten. I don't want to waste resources on this god but this god needs to be killed eventually."

"What's this god's name?"

"Quetzalcoatl," he said with a foreign accent. "Quetzalcoatl is the god of Resurrection and Death. " I bite my lip and nervously swallow a piece of meat.

"You want me to kill a god like that?"

"This god hasn't been worshipped or has gotten sacrifices for centuries. This god won't be as strong as it was before. "

"It's still a god, a god is powerful. I can barely fight without almost dying."

"You will understand when you meet the god." I lean back in my chair and kept quiet. My leg bounced up and down as a box appeared.

New quest!

Kill Quetzalcoatl


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