names are hard part 2?

36 3 0

Chapter 90

Monday, May 27, 2014

5:16 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I glide my body over to the tent, the exhaustion of my fight with the robot slowly seeped into my bones as my Mp bar started to slowly started to turn gray. I let myself glide softly onto the ground, I groaned as I laid on my back and took out an Insta-heal. I stared at the item in my hand, I thought back to how the robot looked when the fight ended, how its wires hung and how the sparks fell from its body. I slowly put the needle of the Insta-heal into my arm and press down. My legs twitched as the cuts and bruises scattered around my body started to heal. The exhaustion was lifted off my shoulders.

I shakily stood up and gasped for air. I pull out my earring and raise it to my left ear. I wince as I felt the thin needle pierce the skin of my ear. I rub my eyes and step towards the entrance of the tent. I enter the tent and make my way towards Wayne. Strangely his brothers that usually stood near him were no where to be seen, I walked towards Wayne's sleeping bag, Wayne's purple bump was seemingly smaller, his breathing was slow and steady. I bend down and take out an Insta-heal, I jab the needle into his chest and press down. Wayne's eyes immediately opened and stared up at me.

Wayne quickly sat up and glared at me. "What did you do to me?"

"I healed you," I said with no emotion in my voice. Wayne rubbed the spot of his head that once had the purple bump. He closed his fist and opened it quickly, he repeated this a few times and stared back at me.

"Hmm, thanks." Wayne quickly got out of his sleeping bag, he moaned as he started to stretch his legs. He reached for the roof of the tent and stood up on his tippy-toes. He looked down at my once he was done stretching. His expression turned stoned coned as he looked around the tent. "What do you want? I know you wouldn't heal me without you wanting something."

I take out a Mp potion and quickly drank it. I lifted myself up and let myself hovered me as I turned my body onto my side and supported my head with the palm of my hand.

"I healed you because I need you to do the job I gave you."

"Oh yeah, that." Wayne stretched one last time before responding. "Lemme just get my brothers and then I can start." Wayne yawned as he made his way to his sleeping bag and rubbed his eyes. "I'll just rest for a bit." He said with a yawn.

I nod and walk out of the tent. I smile as a box appeared in front of me.

Quest completed!

Heal Michael and Wayne!


A bit of respect from Michael.

Respect from Wayne.

A better relationship with the Suijin cabin.


5 points

200 xp

I close the box and look around the camp.

A overwhelming sense of guilt washed over me as I saw what was the homes of the demigods laying in shambles. I guiltily walked through the ruins of the wood, the wood was stained with the blood of demigods. The stench of rotting bodies attacked my nose as I slowly made my way towards where most of the surviving demigods were gathered. I stopped and stared at a dead body looking up at the sky.

I quickly look away and stared at my feet as I walked.

5:25 pm

I walk into the almost empty building. I looked at a person with a huge cut to the area below their eye sitting on a bed. I saw Alice wave her hand over the person's eye, the bags under her eyes grew larger. The person thanked her, got up from the bed, and walked out of the door. Alice yawned and sat on the bed. She sleepily looked in my direction and laid on the bed.

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