Further into Greed

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Chapter 52

Sunday, January 19, 2014

11:43 pm

(Ivan's POV)

I fly around the camp looking for Alice. As I flew I realized how inconvenient it was for looking for people without phones or any form of communication. How did people in the past ever find each other? After what felt forever I finally see a familiar-looking blond head. I land softly on the ground right behind her. The second my feet touched the ground she turned around and squinted her eyes.

"Uhhh," She thought for a moment. She squinted her eyes even harder as she stared right at me. I stayed silent as I didn't know what was going on. "Michael?" She said in an uncertain tone as she opened her eyes back up. Her eyes looked like they remembered me, how did she get my name wrong though?

"It's Ivan." She squinted her eyes and leaned in close. I back up a little as she leaned back.

"Ohhh, hi." She said as she looked like they were trying her best to pay attention to me. Her eyes would occasionally flicker to something in the distance.

"Is now a bad time?"

"A bad time for what?"

"I was going to ask you for help, but it kind of looks like your busy." She leaned her eye back and groaned.

"I was supposed to do something but there wasn't enough Sake for me."

"Sake is the drink that heals here right?"

"Yeah." I look at her eyes. There was definitely something wrong with her eye.

"What's wrong with your eyes then?"

"My," she stopped herself. "Are my eyes that bad?"

"Yeah, I and Michael don't look anything alike. Have you seen Michael lately, he looks completely different. I don't know how you confused me and Michael." She shook her head.

"I haven't seen anything in a while. Not clearly anyway." She opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself. "What did you need help with anyway?"

"You have Geokinesis right?" She had a confused face.

"What's that?"

"You control dirt and stuff like that right?"

"Oh! Yeah, why?"

"I need making a hole for a lake."

"Why a lake."

"Plumbing purposes."

"Oh, I would help, but I'm busy," she said as she pointed to her eyes. So she would help if her eyes were normal.

"Can we make the sake?"

"I know how to make it, but my sister doesn't have any more of the ingredients. So she can't make it."

"So if you get the ingredients you could make it." She shrugged.

"Probably could."

"What do you need though."

"You're going to get the stuff aren't you."

"Yeah." She took a deep breath.

"Water, Rice, Spergillus Oryzae, Aspergillus Oryzae. That's about it." I nod.

"I'll be in my cabin if you need me. Just tell me when to bring you have the ingredients." I nod as I wave her goodbye and turn around.

"Before you go can you walk me to my cabin? I've been trying to find it for hours." I roll my eyes as I turn around.

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