Planning for stuff

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Chapter 45

Saturday, December 21, 2013

11:10 am

(Ivan's POV)

I fly over the camp looking for Qaid. Where is he? I suddenly feel my back tingle. I fly to the side. The second I see a pebble fly past me, the world slows down. Everyone walked so slowly as the pebble slowly fell like it was in the water. I try to fly to the side, but I was suddenly teleported to the other side of the pebble. I stay still for a second from confusion.

"What the hell just happened?"

After I stay still for a second, the world went back to normal. Was that perfect doge? I thought it would feel different. I look for who threw the pebble and immediately see Qaid looking up at me. I float down right in front of Qaid. Finally!

"What are you doing? And why are you breathing so hard?"

"I'm breathing normally though?" Qaid shook his head.

"Are you listening to yourself?" I sigh and ignore him.

"Anyway, I need to talk to you."

"Is this about the camp thing? I'm not changing my mind about the gun and medicine."

"That's what I need to talk to you about." Qaid looked suspicious.

" Okayyy?"

"Just follow me." Qaid followed behind me as I lead him to the woods. We walked a bit in the woods before I stopped and turned to face him.

"So what do you got?" He asked. I stretch out my arms and take out a silver shotgun with a long barrel. Qaid's eyes widen as I hand him the shotgun. He mouthed out something but I couldn't hear what he said. I focus my magic into my arms as I take out one of the crates from the vans I got this morning. I put it on the ground right in front of Qaid. Qaid bent down and softly put his gun to the side. I hear the clicks come from the crate as he opened the top. He bit his lip as he took out a bottle out of the crate. I felt cold air come out of the crate.

"What black market shit did you do?" He quietly said. He quickly put the bottle back and quickly closed the crate. "No seriously what did you do?" He yelled as he stood up. I was expecting some cough medicine, maybe even some prescription medicine! Not this! I know for sure normal people can't get this!"

"Don't worry about it!" Qaid stayed silent for a moment.

"Lift up your shirt." He commanded.


"Just do it!" He yelled. I grab the bottom of my shirt and slowly lifted it up. I felt the air hit my bruise as my shirt was lifted up. "You can put it down now." He sighed before saying anything. "You stole it didn't you?" I silently nod as he looked down. "You didn't get caught right?" I stayed silent for a second before responding.

"Kind of but they don't know who I'm."

"How do you kind of get caught?"

"It's complicated." He sighed as he bent down to pick up the crate with an uneasy look.

"What do we do with these anyways?" I shrugged.

"I got it so you could help make the camp better. I thought you knew what to do with them."

"I didn't think you would do it though." We thought silently as we figured out what to do.

"Should we just give it to Coach?" Qaid shook his head.

"We would get in trouble." I bit my lip as I tried to think of other solutions.

We could just leave it, but I almost died for this. I even had to lie to Dominique about this. I want it to have a use somehow. I sit down on the grass and stare at the ground. If we can't give it to Coach, maybe we can give it to someone. Sell it for money? I shake my head. That would just make them take the credit for getting the vaccines. I wouldn't be mentioned at all. The answer suddenly clicks. Is there a god of medicine?

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