I like where this is going

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A/N Sorry for the short chapter this week!

Chapter 41

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


(Ivan's POV)

I sit down at my usual lunch people and open the plastic bag. Inside the bag was a tiny plastic container with spaghetti in it along with a bottle of water next to the container. How did a fox even learn how to make spaghetti? I open the container, there was a plastic fork resting on the spaghetti. I grab the fork and stick it in the spaghetti. The girl from yesterday sat down next to me. Why wasn't she sitting in her usual seat? I silently chew my food as the girl next to me stared suspiciously in my direction.

"Do you even know my name?" The girl suddenly asked. I swallow my food before swallowing.

"Isn't it something like... Swiss or something?"

"It's Weiss." She said sternly before starting to eat her food. I wonder if she knows my name?

"Do you know my name?"

"Ivan." She simply said. I nod and go back to eating my food. Before I knew it, I ran out of spaghetti. I disappointingly drink my water as I secretly take out a the Second Percy Jackson book from out of my Inventory. I quickly read several pages of the book. As I read how Percy was slowly gaining respect from the people around him, I had my version of the demigod camp in my mind. I put the book down and stare blankly into space.

How Am I supposed to gain the respect of the camp? I'am not good at fighting like Wayne or Michael. My dad isn't important enough to be respect by people. I'm not an important person in camp. I sigh as I lean my head on the table. I notice a kid using his phone in the corner of the room. My eyes brightened as I thought of something. 

I have technology! The idea immediately died. I have no idea how to use it though. Qaid suddenly popped into my mind. I bet Qaid does. I wonder if he knows how? I pick up my head and wait until it was ready to go to class. I look in Weiss's direction.

Isn't she popular? 

"Weiss?" She ignored her food and looked in my direction.


"How do you get the respect of people?" She stared blankly at me as she thought. She thought about the question for a bit so long.

"You know what never mind."

Wait, I think the way to get popular is just listening to people, you know not being a dick." I nod.


3:45 pm

I walk up to the Fūjin cabin and walk through the door.  I look around for Qaid. He was sitting down with a kid with glasses. What was his name again? I met him in the mines but I really don't remember. Jax! That was his name. I slowly walk up to them and look at Qaid. They both look at me with a confused look.



"Can I talk to about something? Privately?" He silently nodded and stood up. He followed me out of the cabin and to the side of the cabin. I shift awkwardly as I looked at Qaid. I take a deep breath before mustering up the courage to talk to him.

"I'm trying to fix up the camp... can you help. Maybe just a bit?" A puzzled look appeared on his face.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like... making things more modern." He got lost deep in thought as he stared at me blankly.

"On two conditions." I silently nod and wait for him to say something. "Get me a shotgun and get medicine for the camp. 

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