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A/n: Sorry everyone, my pc was broken for a little bit and it took a while for its new part to come in. Plus it took some time to write this chapter. Thank for you all for waiting!

Chapter 79

Sunday, May 24, 2014

6:14 am

I stared over the destroyed, empty camp as the sound of dirt shifting around rapidly could be heard behind me. I let myself float to the ground, I heard a slow pair of footsteps walk up behind me, I turn around and stare at Alice's sweaty dirty face. She hunched over as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"Can I go to sleep now?" She said before yawning. I stare at the dirt, sturdy buildings behind her. There were five rows of dirt buildings with twenty buildings in each row standing behind her. I notice one more row with four buildings missing. I stare back into her tired eyes and pointed to the row.

"Just do four more buildings and you can sleep." Alice stomped her foot and groaned.

"Can't I just do it in the morning?" She whined. I look down at my watch and stare up at the rising sun.

"It is morning." Alice glared at me and shook her head.

"Just let me sleep, I've been up all night!" I fake a smile and gently grab her shoulder. She quickly swept my hand off her shoulder as I backed up towards the row.

"I'll help you this time." Alice groaned as she wobbled in my direction. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I imagine the dirt rising up, a simple wooden cabin popped up in my mind. The dirt shifted around as I opened my eyes. Alice slowly blinked, Alice rubbed the bags under her eyes as the dirt suddenly began to stiffen. I quickly make another building and wait for Alice to make the dirt stick together. I stared at Alice as she slowly sat on the ground and yawned. She slowly let herself fall to the ground and lay on her side. She slowly closed her eyes. I let the dirty fall to the ground and walk over to her. Dust filled the air as the dirt fell to the ground. I take out a medium Stamina potion and crouch down to her. She groaned as I put my hand under her head. She swatted my hand away as she laid her head down on the ground. I tried to shake her awake.

She rolled away from me and yawned. "Leave me alone." She said softly as she ignored my attempts to make her get back up. I roll my eyes and stand back up. I sigh and take out a blanket and a pillow. I drop the blanket and pillow onto her, she groaned as her eyes slowly opened.

"Go sleep in one of the buildings then," I commanded through gritted teeth. Alice weakly nodded her head and brought her hands together. She formed a few hand signs, her body suddenly disappeared into the ground. I glare over at the buildings and sigh. I walked through the rows, the sound of creatures clicking their tongues, their feet hitting the ground could be heard filling the air. I spot a few of those otter-looking monsters flying through the air. I ignore them and fly up onto a dirt building. I rub my eyes as I stared blankly into space. I look down at my watch.

I shift around and try to get comfortable. I just have to wait until Two, then Dominique will come. It is going to be a while until it's Two though. I could do someone else for the new area of the camp I want to build. Alice is asleep though, I could get Wayne and his brother. Michael would probably be more willing to help. I stand up and hover down from the roof of the building. I made a quick mental note of where the new, dirty-looking buildings are and make my way towards Michael's cabin. I walked past groups of children cowering near the doors of the still-standing cabins. some of the children were begging to be let in, the others were depressingly stared at the destroyed crumbling cabins.

I quickly walked past the people. It took me a while to get to Michael's cabin, I walk up to his cabin and knock. I waited for a few moments until a tall, thin man slowly opened the door. I look into a cabin, I notice a woman and Weiss standing over a bed. What's Weiss doing here? I know Michael and Weiss are friends, I didn't expect Weiss to be there though. Is Michael even there? The man stared down at me with a strange look. I look up at the man.

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