(1)Wild, Wild West: Bugs are cool

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A/n: I really hope yall like this arc, this was fun to make.

Chapter 53

Monday, January 20, 2014

1:50 am

(Ivan's POV)

I wrote on the posterboard with a marker as Dominique got back into the car. Jen snored as Dominique started the car up again and drove onto the road. The marker squeaked as I finished drawing the hieroglyph. In the corner of my eye, I see Sombra in necklace form on the seat. Dominique groaned at the noise.

"Can you draw some other time?"

"I'm setting up for something though."

"Just please do it later." I stare at the poster. What do I put in here? I already have explosives rocks in another, sharp pieces of ice in one. But I got nothing for this one. Wind Arrow's maybe? I can use it as a shield! I smile at my idea. I put the poster in my Inventory.

"I was already done, anyway," I say as I lay down on the seat. The car was silent for a few minutes before I decided to break the silence.

"We're gonna be riding horses right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do we have to ride a horse? Can I ride something else?"

"If you can bring something you can ride yeah, it can't be a car or vehicle."

They better accept Sombra.

7:50 pm

I shoved the last piece of a Snicker's bar into my mouth as Dominique stopped the car. I looked around only to see an abandoned ranch with cars littering the area. Jen and Dominique quickly get out and stretch. I quickly grab Sombra who was still in Necklace form and get out. Dominique tapped on his phone, the car soon disappeared. Jen looked around.

"Where are we supposed to enter?" Dominique shrugged.

"Let's just look around." He didn't even know? I tap Sombra two times, Sombra quickly transformed into his normal form. Sombra snorted as started running towards the ranch. Jen stared at Sombra in awe.

"What is that?" She asked as I, Dominique, and Jen walked towards the Ranch.

"It's a Kirin."

"I thought it would be bigger."

"The other version of Kirin is bigger."

"What's the other version?"

"A big snake."

"That's- why the big change?"

"I don't know why it's like that."

I walk up to the Ranch, Sombra ran to the side of the ranch. I turn the knob, surprisingly it opened. There was no inside to the ranch, it was just an elevator. I call for Sombra, Sombra immediately rushed towards me. Sombra stopped right in front of me as Dominque and Jen stepped into the elevator. Sombra changed into his necklace form, I grab Sombra and put the necklace around my neck.

The elevator only had two buttons. One button had an arrow pointing up, the second button had an arrow pointing down. Dominique pushed the button pointing down. I take off my watch and ring then put them in my Inventory. I wait patiently until the elevator doors opened to reveal a wide-open area with tents scattered all over the place. A few yards away from the tents was a barn along with a tiny wooden building right next to the barn. We step out of the elevator, I turn around only to see a vast empty desert. There was no sign of an elevator ever existing. How do we even get back?

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