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A/n  I might not upload for a few weeks because of summer homework. It might be a while for me to finish. Please wait for the next chapter and thank you!

Chapter 35

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

10:12 am

(Ivan's POV)

I turn off the TV as I drank my hot chocolate. I'm surprised it's still hot, it's been a day already. Is it because it's in my Inventory? I stretch my body out on the couch as I yawn.  Goldie was on the floor sleeping in fox form. I grab a book from my Inventory as Jana walked into the living room. 

"You're on a quest right?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'am."

"Shouldn't you be out right now?" 

"Yeah, but we're meeting up at noon."

"Wouldn't it be better if you guys just did whatever you guys are doing as soon as possible?"


"You could go now for a head start."

"But I don't care about the quest."

"Oh." Goldie suddenly stood up in human form and stared at my direction. 

"What are you supposed to do anyways?" Goldie asked.

"Find somebody."

"Where are you guys looking?" Jana asked.


"Isn't it kind of convenient that you live in Chicago and now you're looking for somebody in Chicago?

"Yeah, I just wish that I could stay here, I don't like camp." Goldie laid back on ground, she stared at the ceiling as she closed her eyes. 

"I can fix that." Goldie asked. 

"Me not liking camp?" Goldie shook her head.

"No not that part, I'm talking about how you can still stay here and be at the camp same time."


"Magic." Of course it's magic. Is it teleportation? I always wanted to know how to teleport. Probably better than flying.

"Yeah, I just need a big sheet of paper, or anything I can draw on."

"I don't have paper on me." Jana took a few steps back before turning around. 

"I have some paper, lemme go get it." Me and Goldie wait silently. Goldie brushed her tails. Jana came back with a huge sheet of paper the size of my torso. Why does she have that kind of paper. She handed Goldie the paper and pulled out a pen from her back pocket. "I bought a pen just in case."

"I don't like holding pens." Goldie said as the tips of her tails glowed. Heat radiated off the tails, as the tails inched towards the paper. As soon as the tips of the tails touched the surface of the paper they blurred as the tails slashed at the paper. She ripped and teared through the paper, in a few seconds the tears looked like Egyptian symbols. A painful throb pulsed through my head as I stared at the symbols. The symbols shifted around as Goldie looked towards Jana. 

"Do you have another piece of paper? I kind of need another one." Goldie's voice sounded muffled. The throb suddenly disappeared as I looked at the symbols again. For some reason the symbols looked familiar, almost like they were always part of my life.

"Oh great Heka, please guide me to my destination? Is that supposed to mean something?" Goldie looked at me surprised, Jana just looked confused.

"You can read it! It took me years to read hieroglyphs!" Goldie took a deep breath as her tails waved around violently. "Did you study hieroglyphs? Is that normal now?" I shake my head as I stare at the symbols.

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