Everyone's Getting Settled

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They made it to the rainforest cafe finally. As they had walked, other little kids were happily howling and running about pretending to be wolves. Surprisingly they arrived just as the cafe opened so they didn't have to wait. Grams wanted to sit at one of the booths overlooking the exhibit and that is where they were seated. Quickly looking over the menu, Xael and her Grams picked out what they wanted then got up to take a look around, leaving the men at the table to chat.

The Elder was full of questions but kept them to a minimum. He asked about the pups and was told how Xael's boys had gifted them to them. Again another unbelievable tale. Charles did get onto him about not visiting that often and Adam assured him that things would change.

Xael and her Grams returned and the conversation continued throughout the meal. Xael wanted to sit and talked some more but Charles let them know they had a council meeting to go to. Some of the Elder pack leaders were getting together to discuss some things that were going on in their communities. There had been an issue with crime in the area recently. Adam gave Charles some names of officers that he could get ahold of, they would be more than happy to help the council.

Pulling up outside their house, they stayed to chat for a bit out in the backyard while the pups pottied. The little ones were really feeling the effects of their shots and didn't want to be bothered with anyone other than their momma. Hugs and goodbyes, Adam and Xael finished the errands they had planned for the city.

Xael stayed in the car with the pups just to make sure they were okay.   Adam picked up the new uniforms and stopped at costco for supplies for the station. He forgot about the limited space in Xael's jeep so the little ones sat up front with her. Everything loaded up, they headed home.

As the pups snoozed on her lap, she was getting tired also. Her pregnancy was starting to kick in. On the way home, Xael's Grams, Ms. Emma called her.

"Hey Grammy!"

"Xael dear James is here and getting his RV all set up!"

"He is?! I thought he wasn't going to start till next week?!"

"Well he's here, I'm going to have him help me carry jars out to the house and your cabin."

"Okay, the door's unlocked. Tell him he might as well plan on starting tomorrow morning, 6 am!"

"Sounds good dear!"

Hanging up Xael looked over at Adam. "James is already in town and Grams is putting him to work."

"Good! You've been getting pretty tired lately, glad he's there to help out now."

"Yeah, I'll rest when we get home."

"You better, I can tell that you're not feeling well babe."

Back in town, Xael had fallen asleep again.  Adam had the deputies help him unload stuff. She woke up after hearing his door open. Leaving the pups inside, she walked over to the diner to see how James was settling in. Xael could see him, Grams and Skylar sitting in a booth talking.

"Hey James!" Xael rushed him with a hug.

"Hey Xael! Hope you don't mind me getting here early."

"Nope! Glad you're finally here. Do you need anything? Are you all set up?"

"Yeah, Skylar got me all settled and the RV is hooked up."

"Awesome, so why'd you leave early?"

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