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Ms. Emma helped Adam take the foil bundles of veggies out to the grill. Sitting on the warm part of the grill, the veggies would cook up nice and tender. They had already been seasoned before the packs were closed up. Skylar was a little surprised to see Emma and not Xael with Adam as he came out of the house. After Adam took a seat around the firepit with the others.

"Where's Pup?"

"Dead asleep"



The guys continued to enjoy chatting by the fire. By now the pot of coffee was ready and they guys switched over to that or tea that Ms. Emma had made earlier. They had had enough of the beer for one night.

The meat was done cooking and they all helped bring things in. While Ms. Emma joined in to help get things ready for dinner, Adam went to wake up his Mate. Nuzzling into the side of her head, she whimpered again pulling a comforting growl from her Alpha.

"Xael? Babe? Xael?"


"Food is ready."

"Mn." She rolled over with eyes still closed and moved into her Alpha's arms, cuddling up to him. Adam chuckled.

"You are so going into heat soon."

"Oh hush! Ow...I have a headache, I shouldn't have taken a nap."

"Come on, I'll get you something for it."

Getting off the couch, she could have slept for 4 more days, but the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen now had her attention. Xael pretty much fell into one of the chairs as her head went right to the table to rest.

"Ms. Emma? Do you have any ibuprofen?"

"Small cabinet right side of the sink."

"You have a headache Xael?"

{Yes, I shouldn't have had that nap.}

"Ha ha ha, you'll feel better after you eat."

Dentin looked over at Emma as Xael hadn't said anything. His sister tapped her forehead indicating that Xael had linked her.

"Ha, I keep forgetting that Pup can do that."

Adam returned with the entire bottle and a glass of ice tea for her. Not even thinking, Xael opened the pill bottle and poured some in her hand. Way more than what any human would take, she popped the handful of pills in her mouth followed by a large gulp of tea. Clapping happily at the impending relief, Xael was hungry. Looking at all the food, her eyes widened. First things first, Ms. Emma made a spirit plate before anyone was allowed to get any food. Houser offered to take it out to the area for her. Emma made sure he had some sage and sent him on his way.

Walking down the small wooded side path, Houser quickly reflected on his decision to move to the small town. To him, it was one of his best decisions and he could see himself really loving it here. He placed the small plate on the tree stump, lit the sage in the burner, closed his eyes and lowered his head as he said a brief prayer. Finished, he inhaled deeply as the smoke from the sage wafted around him. Turning to leave, he saw an extremely large white wolf in front of him.

It was Ja'an, Xael's wolf grandmother.

Houser didn't make any movements or sound. The large white wolf casually walked past him, never taking her eyes off of the older Alpha. When she was out of sight, Houser let out a long, deep breath and hurried back to the house. Storming in the back door, Houser went right to the fridge for another beer. The others quickly picked up on his anxiety, Xael had her head lowered trying not to laugh. Ja'an had linked her seconds ago that she approved of him.

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