Mr. Clean was Here

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Entering the other apartment there was a thick layer of dust on everything. Both of them were glad that there was no furniture as that meant less to clean. The apartment was bigger than Xael had imagined and spanned the entire upper area of the building, unlike Adam's apartment. The ladies looked around after opening the windows just a little, they didn't want all the dust to start blowing around.

"Wow! This place is huge and it has actual bedrooms!" Xael was going into every single room. The apartment had two sides, living and sleeping. There was the open concept kitchen which led right into the living area. A hallway off to the side led to two bedrooms with a shared bathroom between them. Xael rushed back into the living area.

"This place is perfect for two of the guys!"

"I know, It's my first time up here."

"Maybe Chris and Eli should take this one and Max and Parker the other. I think they will want their own place and Chris lives with Eli now anyway."

"Oh! Good thinking dear."

"I'll talk to Uncle Wes about it at dinner."

"Sounds good. Now, lets get rid of all this disgusting dust!"

The water worked and the electricity was on, another plus. Xael moped all the wooden floors with oil soap, bringing out the beautiful dark hue. Seeing how the other apartment had two plants, she went back to Adam's old place and brought one of them over there. Her Grams was busy scrubbing down the kitchen and wiping out all the cabinets and fridge. Windows cleaned, bathroom smelling heavily of bleach and bedrooms ready for furniture, the ladies were done. Hearing a knock on the door they both stopped. Xael sniffed the air. Even through the bleach, she picked up Skylar and Adam's scent, causing her to rush to the front door. Swinging it open both males were hit square in the face with the stink of clean.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" Adam didn't waste any time entering and looking around.

"I know! Since you're both here. I was thinking this would be perfect for Chris and Eli since they already live together. I figure Max and Parker will want their own space."

"Good thinking Pup! I'm sure some of the other business owners would be happy to rent to local cops. Most of the two story businesses have living space above them. I'll ask around tomorrow."

"Thanks Unc!"

"Yeah, it will be a few weeks before they can leave the force in the city." Adam moved closer to his mate and took her hand. He went to give her a nuzzle when he reared back.

"Man! You reek of bleach babe!"

"Hello!? I've been cleaning for most of the day!"

"Ah! You two head home and change then meet out at the house!" Her Grams made her way over to Wes who put an arm around her.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Do we need to bring anything babe?"

"We can stop and get some desserts from the diner." Xael made her way to the door. Even though she didn't mind stinking of bleach, she felt dirty from being in the dusty apartment.  Outside, she took a deep breath, bleach free air filling her lungs. Adam was looking at her again.

"Come here you little dust bunny."

"You are such a goofball." Xael didn't want to get his uniform dirty so she just gave him a quick kiss and pulled him towards the jeep. "Let's go! I need a shower."

"Yeah, let's get you home and get you naked."

"Horn dog."

Adam gave her a playful growl, glad she was perking back up, now to get her to eat a decent meal.

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