Our New Place??

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Shado was the first one up as the early morning sun streamed into the windows. The plants cast shadows along the floor and walls. It was Saturday and they were to meet Sheriff and Grams at the diner to have a tour of the cabin he hoped they would call their own. He dressed in some athletic pants and a t-shirt. He didn't like wearing jeans as he found them too restrictive. Shado made the move to tie his hair back but quickly realized he wouldn't be doing that for a while. Searching for a hat in his closet, Xael slowly began to wake.

The Alpha moved over to his Omega and began to nuzzle her awake. He'd slept with her in his arms all night. Xael gave him an annoyed growl instead of nuzzling him back. He's scent had gotten stronger at some point during the night. She flashed her eyes open and glared at him. Gone were the beautiful grey/blue pools. They were replaced with fiery red orbs.

"Shit babe, what's wrong."

"You...your scent is getting stronger."

"So why do you look so pissed."

She suddenly thrust her hand into his pants and gave him an evil grin as she moved her face close to his. "I'm not pissed. I'm horny...Alpha." Xael pulled her hand out of his pants and pushed him away from her. He growled at her, but not out of anger, it was more out of want.

"You go stand over there, Alpha." Xael stood up and flashed her canines at him with a snarl. She was all Alpha. Walking to the closet to get her clothes, he noticed how curvy she seemed. Full wide hips, Luscious ass, and voluptuous breasts. Even though Xael was muscular, she was still curvaceous.

"God you're beautiful baby..." Xael looked over her shoulder at him and smiled, showing her canines again. This time he noticed her claws were also extended. "Why are you all Alpha mode?"

"I told you I'm not! Your rut scent is getting to me. Alpha!"

Shado couldn't help but laugh at her. Xael flipped him off as she got dressed. She heard the Alpha sniff the air. She knew her scent was strong, but that was all because of him.

"I've never noticed you being that curvy before."

"I've always been this curvy, my boobs are just fuller because you're almost in rut."

Xael wore sweats and a t-shirt, her hair twisted into a bun. "You ready?"

"Yup! Let's go see our new home!" Xael gave him another kissy face.

"You and your silly faces!" Xael playfully shook her butt at him which caused him to growl. The next thing she knew, he was plastered against her from behind. His lips caressed her neck as his hands tightened around her waist.

"Watch that ass baby." He growled a playful warning at her as she just giggled at him.

Making it outside into the fresh air, Xael inhaled deeply. Her canines and claws retracted but her eyes were still red. The fresh air was quickly diluting the Alpha's scent and clearing her head. Looking around she saw the Sheriff's truck in front of the diner. Shado was getting something out of the jeep so Xael decided to head over there. The distance between them would help.

The older ones were sitting in the truck with the windows down chatting. Xael walked up to her grandmother's side of the truck. "Morning Grammy!"

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

"Ughhh...Adam's going into rut. I swear the entire police force is doing nothing but having sex!" The two burst out laughing. Xael rested her head on the door. Skylar looked over at her.

"Are you excited to see the cabin." Xael perked up. "Yes!" Skylar sniffed the air too and looked over at Xael.

"I know...you can smell me. I can't help it." Shado came over to the truck.

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