Finally Resting

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Eyes fluttering open, they were met with puppy paws almost touching her nose. She smiled and moved slowly as she needed the bathroom; her Pups were pushing on her bladder. Rolling over, Xael went right into her Alpha's strong arms. She nuzzled under his chin as he took a deep breath.

"Why on earth are you up so early?"

"I have to pee, babies are pressing on my bladder so I suggest you let me go."

"Okay! Letting the beautiful momma up!" Adam was standing to help Xael get out of bed. She took a few steps then stopped, her hips were still trying to adjust but she was able to walk on her own. Door to the bathroom closed and on the toilet, there was no way she could stand for half the day at the diner. Hands washed, she went back out to the bedroom.

"Did you bring clothes?"

"Yeah, they're in that duffel bag, you are NOT going into the diner today."

"I hadn't planned on it, Alpha."


Xael put on some sweat pants and went to head out of the room when Adam let her know that Beau had stayed the night. She stopped to go back and put on her bra. Not wanting to take her shirt off, she took her arms out the sleeves of her shirt to put the constricting garment on underneath it. Xael suddenly growled and tossed it on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's too small." Xael cupped her breasts with her hands, sure enough they had grown. "Oh good grief. Did you bring a hoody?"

"Here you go babe." Adam was trying not to laugh at her.

"Oh hush you!"

"Sorry babe. Hmmm, maybe they will stay like that!"

Xael growled at him because it wasn't funny. "Hey, pop my back for me?"


Adam stood behind her as she crossed her arms over her chest after putting on the hoody and zipping it up.  Each hand holding onto the opposite shoulder, Adam wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  Lifting her up off the floor, he quickly jerked her, the loud pop letting him know it worked.

"Ohhhhh, thank you, god that felt good."

"Let's go, you need to eat a decent meal."

They were quiet as they walked into the living room and towards the kitchen, puppies right behind them. Adam fed them while Xael, who was feeling good for now, started on breakfast. Looking in the fridge there were two things of canned biscuits, just what she needed. Biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes; that would be breakfast but first she needed to put on coffee.

Coffee was all it took for the rest of the house to start waking up with Grams and Skylar coming in together.

"Xael hon, I could have cooked breakfast!"

"It's okay Grammy, I need to get up and move around for a bit."

"How you feeling?"

"Better, but not to the point where I can stand all day. I'll call James after we eat, I should be fine Wednesday or Thursday."

"We'll see about that." Adam wasn't sure his Mates timeline would be accurate.

Soon Beau was straggling into the kitchen. "Morning, morning beautiful momma."

Xael gave him kissy lips which caused the others to laugh at her. Adam just shook his head as usual at her silly antics. Looking at her, her body was definitely changing. A lot more than it did when they mated. Seeing how her hips were more than curvy, he understood why she had been in so much pain. Breakfast didn't take long and Grams brought coffee to the table for herself and the Alphas; Xael settled for more of the herbal tea. This time she cleaned her plate and even swiped a few potatoes from Adam. Belly full, she was needing to rest again and the Alphas let the ladies know that they would clean up the kitchen.

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