Boring but Needed Errands

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Alphas fed, The officers thanked Xael for feeding them and they headed out but not before letting Shado know that they were always free to help out whenever he needed it. He thanked them and they left. Houser also needed to leave but he would stop by the station before he left town, for now he needed to get to the Tribal office.  Xael gave him another hug and returned to her Mate.

They sat and talked with her Uncle and cousin for about an hour before they had to head into the city.  Beau grabbed the extra thing of coffee Xael made and walked back to the station.   Xael and Adam walked to the door to lock up for the day.

"What you got planned for the day babe?"

"I want to go into the city. I need some containers and other items from Ikea for the new place. Plus I think I'm going to take the pups out there so they can run around for a bit after being shut up in the apartment."

"Good idea, we need to really think about getting moved out there."

"I know, but I want to get the windows replaced first, I'll work on that today also. You want me to pick up anything from the city?"

"No. How long are you going to be gone?"

"Not long I hope. Might grab me some lunch before heading back."

"Okay. Stop by the station before you head out to the cabin."

"Okay. Love you." Xael nuzzled into him again.

"You're getting awfully cuddly there babe."

"You want me in heat don't you?"

Adam could only growl at the thought of it. He gave her a kiss then headed to the station.

{Keep in touch with me}

{I will Alpha, Love you}

{Love you too}

Xael checked in with her pups, getting no response she knew they were still asleep on the bed. She hopped in her jeep and headed into the city.

Once there she went straight to Ikea, she already knew what she wanted to get. Xael needed large air tight food containers for dry goods like flour, beans and rice.  She also wanted to get large jars for storing stuff in the pantry.   Since she was there, she also picked up new bedding, towels, a good quality mattress with two protectors and dishes.  Seeing how they were going to be canning soon, she drove to the country store to pick up canning jars and supplies. On the way there Chris called her.

"Hey Chrissy-fur!"

"Hey Sissy-roo whatcha doing?"

"I'm actually in the city picking up some stuff! We got our own place!"

"Sweeet! Are you free for lunch? Me and Eli are heading out for some Ziggy's pizza!"

"Oooooo sensuous! Text me the address I'll meet you guys there. Hey! How did you know I was in the city?"

"Duh dorkus, we're your brothers!"

Xael made a quick detour to join her brothers for lunch, she would get the canning supplies on her way out of the city. Getting to the restaurant, she couldn't wait to see them as they were waiting outside for her. They shared huggs then went inside to get a table. The three  opted to sit outside on the covered patio since it was so nice out.  They talked about everything.  Xael even asked if they would be interested in a side job of putting in new windows at their cabin. Of course they agreed. Eli let Xael know that they were looking for new jobs as the current one was getting stressful. That's when Xael came up with the idea that the two of them start their own business. There were plenty of Tribal communities and small towns that needed good handymen and they would be perfect.

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