Requested By Anne

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Today was the day that all the couples love but sometimes took way too far. It was Valentines Day and you could already hear the single people crying and the couples laughing. You were not a massive fan of this day but this year you didn’t mind it so much.

It was the first Valentines that you would be spending with Harry and you were more excited than ever. He was coming back from a week in America today and you were at the airport waiting for him. There were a lot of fans at the airport as well and you could hear them screaming, even though the boys hadn’t come yet.

You were standing by the wall and watching the gate where the guys should be coming out any minute. You couldn’t see over the fans but you knew the boys landed when they were screaming louder than ever and some had tears running down their faces.

Harry was calling your phone and you started smiling instantly.

"Where are you?" He asks.

You saw him looking around as he smiled at fans and signed some of their shirts.

You will find me once you make it through the fans. You can say hello to them, I don’t mind.” You say with a smile.

You saw him smile as well and then hear him hang up the phone. The fans were freaking out and you loved seeing them act like that. It made you laugh and remember the days when you were just like them. Harry was reaching the end of the line when he looked up and saw you standing by the wall.

He started smiling and took one more picture with a fan before running over to give you a massive kiss and hug. You could hear the fans “awwing” and you tried not to laugh but failed.

"Oh! Wait! Happy Valentines love." Harry says while taking out a bent rose from his bag.

You laughed and stood on your tipy toes to give him a kiss.

"Thanks love." You say with a smile.

You take his hand and the two of you leave after grabbing his luggage from the baggage claim. You were walking into your flat when you felt Harry pick you up bridal style and carry you over to the couch. His lips were on yours the instant he had you in his arms.

"Go get ready. I’m taking you out for dinner." He says with a smile.

You laugh and lean in to give him one more kiss before heading off the to the bedroom and getting changed. The rest of the night was spent cuddling with Harry and going out to one of your favorite restaurants. He bought you a beautiful necklace that had the name of yalls anniversary on it. You may never have been a huge fan of Valentines before but now  that you could spend it with Harry, you absolutely loved it.

-Muskaan xx

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