A Happy Family

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"As much as i want to be a dad, im not ready...i won't ever be home to support you and the baby." He says taking hold of your hand.

"Harry, what are we gonna do? Im too far into the pregnancy for an abortion..." You reply

"Well then it will have to go up for adoption, i can't...im not ready, i love you so much and i promise i will help you whilst your pregnant and i will be their when we give him or her away because i want to support you." Harry says pulling you close, seeing the tears stream from your eyes.

You lean in on Harry's chest, hearing his heartbeat, his warm body pressed against yours and soothing voice in your ear, you pull away and walk up the stairs, taking hold of the baby scan photo you lay on your bed and cry. You want this baby more than anything and you thought Harry did too.

"Babe, im going to get food for the dinner tonight, be back in a bit" Harry shouts from the bottom of the stairs, you forgot about the dinner, you stood up and looked at your bump. You were late into your pregnancy, around 8 months, you stroked the bump and walked to your wardrobe...

You took out a baggy white dress and a pair of flat shoes, you pulled the dress over your head and sat down on your stool to do your hair and make up, You heard Harry come in, he had got a take away, a massive selection of the local chinese menu...then you heard the family and friends come in. The boys, his mum and your mum. You walked down the stairs and gave them all a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat next to Harry, he pulled you close and whispered..

"Babe, we'll talk more later..."

You looked at him and smiled, An hour into the evening and everyone was having a right laugh, You stood up and took the plates into the kitchen...as you placed them into the sink you felt a massive gush of water come down your legs...

"HARRRRRYYYYY" You screamed, He came running in, he saw as you tried so hard to grasp onto the table to keep yourself up. "CALL THE AMBULANCE, THE BABY IS COMING" You said, Anne quickly followed Harry and sat you on a chair, holding your hands and helping you with breathing exercises.

"I know you can do this, stay strong, just think positive...In a few days you'll have a child to call your own." You looked over at Harry and he was frozen staring at you, deep in thought.

"Yeah, hopefully" You replied, praying that Harry would come to his senses and let you both keep the baby.

Harry hung up the phone and the ambulance was 5 minutes away, you were now at this point about an hour away from pushing as you were only a few centimeters diallated, looking at Harry for guidance he kissed your forehead and held your hands.

*1 hour later in the delivery room*

"COME ON NOW, ONE BIG PUSH...3...2..1 AND PUSH" The nurse said taking hold of your babies head and taking the baby in your arms, when the baby came out everything was silent, you couldn't hear the baby cry...you began to panick..."WHERE'S MY BABY? WHY ISN'T IT CRYING? LET ME HOLD MY BABY" Harry spoked to you calmly trying to keep strong in this whole situation...

"We need to take him to the room immediately, he's not breathing." You heard the doctor say.

"A Boy..." You heard Harry gulp as he wiped a tear from his cheek.

He followed the doctors and left you with the nurses, You asked the nurses many questions and they knew nothing but you was not giving up. You was taking from the delivery room back to your hospital room, on the way down you saw many mothers holding their babies with giant smiles on their faces.

You were looking out the window when you heard the door open, your face lit up with glee praying that it would be Harry and your Son but it was Anne...

"Oh, Hey Anne"

"Hey, where is the baby then?" Anne said coming in as if their was a baby next to you...

"When he was delivered, he wasn't breathing...and now Harry is with him and i-" You stopped as the door opened, you saw someone with their back to you, big bushy hair and a gorgeous trimmed body as he turned around he had a blanket in his arms...

"Hey boy, meet your mummy" He said handing you a tiny bundle of joy, as soon as he was placed in your arms his head rested against your chest, his tiny button nose and tiny hands clenched over his mouth...

"He's perfect" you said choking up..."But Harry, i thought..."

"We almost lost him once, and we're not losing him again." Harry said sitting beside you stroking his forehead.

"I love you." You said looking at Harry.

"I love you too." Harry replied kissing you gently on your lips..."And i love you....little boy" Harry said giggling at your newborn baby boy.

"His name his Edward, after his Dad, i want him to have a part of you with him wherever he goes, so...he will have your middle name." You say watching a tear form in Harry's eyes.

"Hi Edward, Im your daddy, and i promise...that until the day i die, i will love you more and more and i'll be there when you need me." He said kissing the babies forehead watching him sleep.

This was it, you had a family now, a beautiful boyfriend, soon to be husband and a gorgeous newborn son named Edward, they always say that fairy tales are always make believe but honestly, if they were real, you were living one right now.

I'm back!! Sorry I did not update the last 2 days I was at the beach! anyway I hope you enjoy this imagine ☺ please don't forget to vote and comment!! Lately I have not been getting any comments

-Muskaan xx

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