Straw Hats Reunited

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"Chopper!" Nami called out to him since we were at the boat. "What happened Chopper?! Say something! 

"Oi.. the Merry's mast is gone. What kind of changes did he make?" the swordsman questioned beside her.

I shook my head, "Zoro, it's clearly been attacked."

Nami called out to the reindeer some more, making sure to tell him that it was safe and that he could come out. There was still no response. I was kinda getting worried. "I wonder if he's been torn limb from limb.." Robin suddenly wondered out loud, causing the navigator to tell her to not say those kinds of things.

Zoro sighed beside me and took a step forward, yelling, "OI CHOPPER! ARE YOU THERE?! DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?! SAY SOMETHING!" At that, there was finally movement on the ship and I saw Chopper peak his head out so we could see him. He was bandaged, bruised and bloody. Oh gosh. I was hoping he really just did remodel the ship, but he did get attacked.

I chuckled and looked at Nami, "Looks like he listens to Zoro more than you." Her eyebrow twitched in irritation, but before anything could happen, I heard Luffy's voice followed by a loud splash. "Oh look! We found it! The Going Merry! And there's the altar!" the captain pointed out, then the three on the little boat saw us and started making a bunch of noise.


Once we found out about Gan Fall helping Chopper, it was decided that we would be camping. To sum it up: Mantra, Ordeals, Fire Spears, Priests, Ball Guy, Guerrilla Guys, Possible Gold. Everyone was up for finding the gold city and fighting God Enel besides Usopp and Chopper, but Luffy didn't care at all. He stood up and threw his fists in the air with a laugh.

"Alright! Let's do it! Gold hunting!"

Before we did that, we had to make dinner. I went off with Robin to just go looking around, and we ended up finding salt. I used my devil fruit power to knock some of it out of the ground. "Oh, I have had yet to see your devil fruit. To think it'd have such properties," she hummed with her usual smile. I smiled back and put the crystal on my shoulder as we started going back towards the camp. "Yup! It took me a while to figure out how to turn my hands into tools, so I thought it was just meant for hitting things really hard or for defense for a while," I said, followed by, "I still have no idea what kind of metal I am though. I'm an alloy of some kind, I just don't know what. It has too much impact strength to be tungsten, but the- oh, I'm probably boring you out huh?" I asked, scratching the nape of my neck in embarrassment. She shook her head before saying, "No, it's quite interesting. How do you know so much about metals, may I ask?"

"Ah! I'm a blacksmith!" I replied as we got to the camp.

"Oh what's that you're carrying? Is it a gem?" Nami gushed, looking at us. Wait why is she wearing glasses? Where'd she get those from?

Robin shook her head in response to this, and Sanji answered verbally by saying that we found a salt crystal. "We brought it back because it seemed like it'd be useful," I said, looking to the cook with a grin. He gave a weird smile and said it was absolutely vital to survive in a strange tone while hacking at the fish. Gosh he is a weirdo. I turned around and put the crystal down so it could lean against a tree root. Looking back, I almost screamed. Zoro was holding a steaming rock with his swords above the pot, dropping it in when the blond said too. I didn't give a crap about that though as I ran to Zoro and activated my devil fruit to put my hands in front of the sheaths so I could stop him from putting them away. "Eh? What're you doing, (y/n)? And why're you silver?" he asked, quirking a brow at me. I grabbed his swords by the blades and looked at them, making sure that he didn't damage them. They were fine. I let out a sigh of relief and looked up to him, "I was just making sure your swords were alright. These are treasures, you know! And it's just my devil fruit power," I told him as I pushed the blades into the sheaths on his hip. "I don't really care if they're treasures. I have them because they don't break like every other sword I've had, and I've judged them as good swords." I facepalmed when he said this. "They aren't breaking BECAUSE they're so legendary," I said, my eye twitching. "Why do you know so much anyway? Didn't you also ask to see them earlier? You don't even use swords," he queried. 

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