Unexpected Tragedy

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It's times like these that I contemplate skipping all the way to the regrouping at Sabaody...

"If I don't fight now, and I can't rescue Ace... I'd take my own life afterwards! Let me have the strength to fight for now!" Luffy shouted. He was clutching at Ivan's boots desperately. He woke up, and we were informed by the Whitebeard doctor that first aid wasn't going to work out for him. More bad news was that the war wasn't in our favor at the moment, from the look of it.

"I said I can't! If I let you die now, I'd be too ashamed to face Dragon! You hardheaded fool!" the revolutionary argued.

I sighed and looked up at him, my hand on Luffy's back since he was sprawled on his stomach, "Please, Ivan. He won't be able to live with himself if he just lays here for the remainder of the war. This is his brother we're talking about."

His response was took a minute, with lots of perplexed expressions, but he finally said, "Fine! Do whatever you want!" his fingers sharpened and he stabbed them into Luffy's side.

Luffy slowly raised himself from the ground and let out a breath, raising his arms above his head. "ACE!" he called out.

"Straw boy, once again, you better keep in mind that the next time you drop, you won't be able to bounce back! The Energy Hormone is just fooling your body! It isn't repairing any of the damage!" Ivan reminded him.

"I...I... I won't fall again!" Luffy took off after that declaration.

"Wait-! Well, my words won't change Straw boy's mind under these circumstances! All I can do is keep them from beating him!" the revolutionary said. He looked down to me and shook his head, "I don't know how you can be with him, with that attitude of his."

"With him-? Ya know what, nevermind, gimme some of that Energy Hormone," I made a hand motion to emphasize to hand it over.

"EHH?! YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS HIM!" he shrieked.

I pointed at my slashed leg, "I'm gonna need some energy in order to keep fighting." I undid my devil fruit and started bleeding out of my wounds faster than earlier, and I coughed up some blood from my body's realization that I have huge bruises all over my stomach and side. Damn Aokiji. "Now hit me!" I dramatically gestured to my forearm for emphasis.

"You're really not giving me a choice!" the purple afroed man yelled when he saw my blood, stabbing me in the arm with his fingers. As soon as he pulled his hand away, I reactivated my devil fruit and felt a surge of what felt like adrenaline take over. "Make sure to pay mind to your open wounds-!" I took off.

"Thanks!" I yelled over my shoulder. "Woohoo!" I cheered, barreling through a bunch of marines.


"Don't do it!"

My hair flew back as I felt some kind of force being exerted across the battlefield. I looked towards where I felt it from and there he was; Luffy. What the hell was that power? I saw Ivan run over to him, and a bunch of soldiers around me fell to the ground. Everyone who was still conscious was staring at him now. This has to be something big. Even the admirals were staring.

I ran over to my captain, trampling over a bunch of fallen bodies. "What was that?!" I asked Ivan.

"It...Conquers Haki...!" he replied as we ran behind Luffy. Thanks, I definitely know what that is. He turned his attention away from me and instructed Luffy to just keep pushing forward. Inazuma.. uh... crawled out of Ivan's afro after that, and cut the stone floor so that it made a ramp up to Ace.

(I just want y'all to know that while I was writing this, I found a meme of Garp on a computer photoshopping ASL as marines and I wanted to cry even if it was meant to be funny)

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