Filler: Modern AU (Pt2)

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Okay im just doing it

"Yea, just hold those two pieces together like that," I said, steadying a blowtorch as shaky hands held two steel pipes together. I tried to put the blowtorch closer to where the two pieces touched, but the shaky hold on them didn't let me. My eyebrow twitched. I turned the blowtorch off and moved my welding mask to the top of my head. "Usopp, why are you so afraid? You have flame resistant gloves."

"I'm not scared! I'm just used to being the one with the fire," he said as he set down the metal on a nearby table, pushing up his own mask.

I rolled my eyes, "I would let you do it, but you take FOREVER, and this project is due in about two hours."

"I like to be precise!" he defended.

"I love that for you, but I need this to be done. And we both know that I can weld fast with good quality. And that table is not fireproof. So, you either hold it or I call Sanji," I told him.

He looked between me and the torch in my hands. I looked at the metal on the table rather dramatically before meeting his eyes again. He sighed loudly and grabbed the metal. "Okay! I can do it! I have the gloves on! Everything will be fine!" he assured himself as he held the metal in front of me.

"That's right. And if things do go south, you'll have a pretty damn cool burn scar," I assured with a grin. He shook his head at me and lowered his mask. I chuckled and jerked my head slightly to get the mask to fall back over my face, proceeding to ignite the torch again.

We got the welding done in about an hour's time. The two of us completely forgot that this project even existed because of all of our other classes, so of course, we quickly came up with a slideshow and started welding the physical product that should have been planned thoroughly for the past four weeks. But hey, we're simply too smart to deal with the repercussions of procrastination. Which is why we're partners whenever we happen to be in the same class.

"You know, we should really start showing up for that damn class," I thought aloud as we sat outside the class's building with our contraption.

He gave me a look. "No matter how many times you say that, we never actually go. I'm going to blame my absences on you," he said.

I gasped, "What? What do your absences have to do with me?"

"If you're not going then I don't go! You know this already!" he told me.

"That's not my problem! Plus, attendance isn't part of the grade so what do you expect me to do? I've got an 87% without even being their half the time," I shrugged.

"Yea, same," he nodded. "Maybe we should just keep skipping classes after all."

"Right? If it ain't broke, don't fix it," I agreed.

"... We've gotta stop convincing each other that bad ideas are good ideas," he sighed, dragging a hand down the side of his face.

"Yeaaaa... probably."


We both looked at each other after the presentations for the course were over. "We definitely scored high. Nice doing business with you," I said with a hand outstretched for him to grab.

"Yes, nice doing business with you," he grinned and shook my hand. "This calls for celebration."

"That sounds about right," I hummed as I stood up and stuffed my notebook into my bag. "You think we should invite the others?"

"Heeeeellllll no. Especially not Luffy, I cannot pay for him today," he shook his head and placed his man purse over his shoulder. He calls it a satchel.

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