The Entrance of Wano

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BACK TO EPISODES YAY~! I'll do another movie once I catch up bbg

"Luffy, it says that the Reverie has begun!" Nami chirped from behind Luffy, who was sitting at his usual seat on the Sunny's figurehead. "Kings and queens from all over the world are attending the conference at Mariejois!" She went on to say that Neptune and the princes went up to the surface as well. Surprisingly, so did Shirahoshi.

"So she came up to the surface! She became much stronger, that Yowahoshi!" Luffy commented.

"It seems like your grandpa was their escort," the navigator continued. "They took a big step towards their dream to relocate the Fishmen to the surface!" She turned the page, and I saw Sanji teleport from the kitchen railing to the front deck in order to see whoever was on the page. 

He started fawning over some girl he called Vivi-chan when he could see the newspaper. I was called over by Luffy and Nami to look at "Vivi" after Nami beat Sanji up for being annoying. Chopper joined us, and all of us sat down. Nami held the paper flatter for all of us to see. Luffy pointed to a girl with long blue hair and smiled, "That's Vivi! You didn't meet her, but we helped her save her country from Crocodile right before we met you!"

I raised a brow and looked from the page to my captain, "I remember you saying something about that when I went to Skypiea with you guys. How many countries have to be saved by this crew before we're not counted as pirates anymore?"

Nami laughed a little and Luffy gave me a confused look. I just shook my head at him. "It was really hot there! Everything was a desert," Chopper piped in, patting my leg to gain my attention.

"I don't doubt that. That's where Crocodile would thrive the most," I hummed.

Brook walked up behind us and looked over our shoulders, "So that is Vivi-san... When I get to see her someday, I'd like to see her panties-"

"NO WAY!" Nami screamed, beating him up. She turned the page again and started pointing out more people that we know.

Sanji somehow ended up with one of the pages, moving away from us to crouch over it weirdly. "Oh... maybe... at the Reverie... At the Reverie, the princesses that I know... are getting excited talking about me-" I kicked him off the ship. Literally. The water splashed violently when it caught him. I'm not listening to that anymore.

Nami looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, almost sneakily. I rolled my eyes at her. She turned around to show the newspaper she had to Chopper. He started crying, and Carrot asked him what was up. Turns out, the woman who took care of him on his island was at the Reverie too.

"Oh, she's still alive?" Sanji asked once he climbed back up on the ship.

Chopper spung up and kicked him across the face. I laughed and watched as the reindeer pulled out some scissors, cutting up the newspaper to get the picture of Doctorine out. Surprisingly, Sanji did not do the same with his princesses. Our navigator fussed over Chopper taking the words out of the back of the newspaper, but he refused to give the picture back.

Luffy laughed and said, "I'm happy to see everyone doing well! Once we finish sailing around the world, let's go see them!"

"Yes, that's the right order!" Brook said, standing in front of him.

I walked beside the skeleton and smiled, "Yep, then you can see Laboon, right?"

He nodded and then looked back toward Luffy, "Anyway, Luffy-san, the den den mushi still won't connect?"

"Oh, I forgot," the teen realized. He took out his personalized den den mushi and held it in front of his face. "Oi! This is Luffy! Come in!" It stayed asleep. "Well, no response. That's enough, let's push on!"

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