Tama's Kidnapped!

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*skips the entire fight scene bc i can*

I would edit this but no, now u guys have to deal with the rough draft bc im watching jojos rn. Season 3 is almost overrr. DIO is in his punk rock phase rn

"Two-sword style.. Nigiri... Tower Climb.. RIPPLE!" Zoro sliced the huge straw scarecrow in half and landed back on Otama's dog.

I watched as the devil fruit ability vanished. "I guess... he's not going to follow us?" I hummed.

"He was probably running out of lives to throw away," the swordsman grunted. I nodded in agreement. He slowly put his kimono back on and gripped his injured arm, "Hawkins... that guy has an annoying ability.... he's a little pesky."

"Yea, I heard he reads into the future with his cards, too," I thought aloud, watching as Zoro pulled the nail stuck in his arm out.

He tsk'ed in irritation at the news and looked toward Luffy, "So, how's the brat?"

Luffy tested his hand on her forehead and pulled it away. "Her temperatures rising..." he looked forward and raised his voice, "Dog! Run faster!" It nodded and sped up.

I scooted closer to Luffy and frowned at the sight of the girl he had in his lap. "She's way worse than she was at the house. Do you think the fact that we told her about what happened is effecting how she's doing?" I questioned, looking between my captain and the Tama.

He shook his head, "Either way, we've got to get somewhere fast."

The conversation ended since Komachiyo skidded to a stop, drawing everyone's attention ahead of us. There was a fork in the path so there were two options: left or right. Komachiyo looked back and forth between the two and seemed to sigh in confusion.

"Eh? What's wrong?" Luffy asked the dog. It didn't give the slightest reply. "Don't tell me you're lost?!"

Komachiyo made a low noise and looked to be tearing up. Yea, he's lost. "We've got no time to waste. Let's just go... right," Zoro said.

"I vote that we go opposite of what Zoro says," I interjected, putting my hand up to signify my vote.

"And why's that?" the green head asked, very obviously ticked off.

"Because you've got a knack for going the wrong way," I reminded him.

"No I don-"

"Go left," a foreign voice interrupted. All of us turned around to see who it was. There was a person sitting behind us on Komachiyo, clad in a blue kimono. "You samurai-sama are so strong. You as well, kunoichi-sama."

"Oh, thank you," I took the compliment immediately, as I should. I am definitely strong. She smiled in amusement.

"Who are you?!" Luffy asked.

She continued as if he didn't ask her anything, "I can't believe you repelled Hawkins!"

Zoro seemed to recognize her, "You're..."

"I was saved by you, green gentleman..." I stifled a laugh when she called him that. She sparkled a little while posing a bit, "My name is Tsuru!"

"Were you hiding in that tail the whole time?" Zoro questioned.

She confirmed it and then thanked him. Once she noticed Tama's unusual breathing, she offered Luffy a towel so he could wipe away her sweat. "I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but could I take care of that child, Otama?" she asked.

"Do you know her?" my captain shot back.

"Yes," she answered.

"Oh good! Please! She drank the polluted water from the river to ease her hunger," he explained.

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