You Thought You Had a Choice?

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I kicked open the door to the commander's quarters, seeing that he was on his balcony. He turned in a swift motion to look at me, but I already gathered the gold and jumped off of the balcony and onto the mountain side that the room was built into. He was staring at me in surprise with and slightly agape mouth. Didn't see that one coming, now did you, you schemey man. I saw those chess pieces, we all know what that means in animes!

I activated my devil fruit power and stuck the bag onto my back, climbing up the side of the mountain hastily with picks for hands. I ran along the side of the island valley, witnessing Luffy explode the gate by ricocheting the cannon balls that were thrown at them. Wow! I forgot he was situationally smart. I finally got as close to the boat as I could before it was covered in smoke from the blast, and I jumped.

"ROBIN OR SOMEONE PLEASE CATCH ME IF I DON'T MAKE IT!" I pleaded to the Straw Hats on the ship. They couldn't see me so I needed to yell. A hand grabbed me suddenly, and almost dropped me since I was so much heavier with the weight on my back. I looked at who the hand belonged to, and it turned out that it was just a linkage of a bunch of robin's hands. I was slowly but surely pulled up. Sanji greeted me immediately, while the rest of them welcomed me back seconds after.

Once I was situated, I heard screaming from the orange head, "WE HAVE TO TURN BACK! OUR GOLD! IT'S GONE!" she screeched in agony. I tapped her shoulder with a proud grin. She turned to me so fast I thought she'd have whiplash and then her eyes caught sight of the giant bag I was carrying. A grin slowly grew across her face as I untied the bag, revealing all of the missing gold. She cried tears of joy, hugging the gold to her body and then hugging me. "You're the best, (y/n)! You and Robin are the only ones I can count on!" she sobbed out as we left the fortress. Her sobs of gratitude quickly ended, though, and she started ordering everyone to start moving the ship in order to catch the best current away from this damned fortress.

Once we were far enough away, I let a sigh of relief and fell onto the deck. Chopper copied my actions, and his actions were soon followed by Usopp. "I thought we'd have to go back and risk our lives a second time. You really did save us that time, (y/n)," Usopp huffed, sounding relieved. Chopper agreed immediately and called me cool, to which I smiled to him for.

"Part of that was me not wanting to be part of the gold retrieving crew," I said honestly which earned me a chuckled out of the sniper.

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I could hear Nami saying that 80% of the gold would be going to the Going Merry, since the poor ship has been through so much and has gotten little correct care. Luffy stated that the ship needed a shipwright, and also a musician, the latter being shut down by Sanji right away. A musician would be nice if I was going to stay on the ship with them.

"Man, I was hoping we could use the sky octopus," the captain whined, and then PULLED THE OCTOPUS OUT OF HIS PANTS?! I gawked at him while Zoro asked him how he's had it in there for so long.

Everyone gathered to one side of the ship as we said our goodbyes to the poor octopus who was stuck in Luffy's shorts this whole time. It waved goodbye and it was off. I'll miss weird situations like this. Oh right, I should probably tell them.

I took a step back from everyone so I could see them all, drawing their attention as I did so. "So, as I promised, I'll be out of your guys' hair as soon as we stop at the next island!" I stood up and bowed deeply to everyone, "Thank you so much for taking me to Sky Island with you, I will never forget that, even if I don't want to remember being electrocuted more that once." I bit my lip to not say anything else unnecessary. I don't need them to pity me and take me in, plus if every day is almost dying, do I really want to-

"Eh? What do you mean? You're already part of my crew," Luffy stated plainly.

I blinked and stood up straight, looking at him, "Wait, when did I agree to that-"

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