Filler: The Ace Chronicles (Pt3)

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I'm seriously just steam rolling these chronicles huh

"No, Ace, I'm serious," I said, pouring another drink.

"But I'm serious, too! Pops would totally love you!" he argued, watching me walk away and give the cup of sake to another customer. When I began walking back, he kept going. "You're pretty strong and if I tell him-"

I held up a hand. He stopped talking and deflated a little. "No. I said no. I can't be going anywhere, yet! Not until Boss has more help. Plus, you aren't even going to any islands in particular anymore! White Beard has seen almost everything there is to see! You guys aren't exploring anymore!" I told him.

He sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "I'm telling you! I could take you wherever you want!" he said.

I waved my hand, "No, that defeats the purpose of exploring. I want to FIND places. I want to have a cool journey where I don't know what's next. What's an adventure with a guide?"

"You're so difficult sometimes," he groaned, dropping his head on the table.

"Yea, yea. You know exactly how I feel, don't you? You traveled with your own crew not so long ago! I don't need you to go to Whitebeard and tell him 'Um this is my friend, (y/n), she wants to join, please let her, Papa'," I mocked him at the end with a high-pitched voice.

He busted out laughing and shook his head, "That's not how I sound! And I don't call him papa."

I smiled and shrugged, "You've definitely called him papa. And I don't know, I think it is how you sound."

"Oh yea? Then this is how you sound: 'Ace, oh my gosh, I can't believe you set fire to that guy! Get water!'," he squeaked out his impression of me, followed by a high-pitched squeal. I really did say something similar to that a few days ago. He set a guy on fire when he grabbed my face, which set the floorboards on fire. I at least could have handled it without arson.

"Well, this is how YOU sound: 'Omg (y/n), you can't hit me in that form, you're too strong and perfect and amazing'," I whined in an even higher voice while dramatically moving my arms around. 

"No, no, this THIS is how you sound, 'Boss please, please let Ace into the bar! I wait for him every day because my life is dull without him!'" he made sure to emphasize my dialogue there, letting his head fall on the bar counter while he reached a hand up in longing. I stared at him in silence before we both started laughing obnoxiously loud.

"OI! Could I get a refill?!" a girl at the end of the bar shouted.

I coughed from laughing too hard and took in huge breaths before yelling, "YEA! I got you!" I quickly went back to doing my job. Ace quieted down as well, watching me scramble to get some things done so I could get back to messing around. It was like a domino effect; once one person says they want something, everyone follows their lead. Boss wasn't here today, so I had to do a lot. I'm his only employee besides the chefs, and I'm not about to make them do my job.

"I guess you're right about waiting for your boss to get some more help around here," Ace hummed as I made my way back over to him.

"I'm always right," I shrugged, leaning on the counter.

He sighed and rested his chin in his hand. "That sucks, though. I really thought you'd say yes to joining the crew," he said.

I smiled, "Yea, maybe this just wasn't the right time. If you keep in contact and end up around here again sometime next year, I may tell you yes. No promises, though. I might be long gone."

"What, you can't wait patiently? Aren't I worth the wait?" he asked with amusement in his voice.

"You may be prettyyyy nice, but I don't know if I'm that patient. I'm kind of impulsive, you know. If it's the right time and I meet the right someone, I will be long gone. Not to mention there's somewhere in specific that I reaaally wanna see, but no one thinks it's real, even when the island is supposed to be around here somewhere. Maybe someone who believes in it," I hummed.

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