My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend

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If I look up Gildarts, I feel like a picture of Shanks would make it in there. I'm pretty sure they're the same person. No hate to Fairy Tail. I actually really like it, even though it gets hella shit.

"(y/n)! Hey! Look over here!"

I sat up from my bed and looked around my room. Why does it sound like Chopper is in here?

"(y/n)! Look! At the mirror!"

Now it sounds like Nami. Turning to my left, I looked at the full body mirror on my wall. I nearly fell over when I saw Chopper and Nami instead of my own reflection. They both started comically sobbing.

"Thank god you're alright, (y/n)!" Nami sobbed hugging Chopper to her. "We've seen so many horrible things since you left!"

"We were looking everywhere for you!" the reindeer sobbed.

Carrot popped up behind them and smiled, "Yea! One of the mirrors finally got you in one spot! Where were you this whole time?"

I awkwardly laughed, "Uhh... I was just meeting with someone. That's all." I don't need them knowing literally nothing actually bad has happened to me this entire time.

"Eh? What's with that face? What happened?" Nami asked, becoming incredibly curious.

I waved my hand, "That doesn't matter right now. What are you guys doing in my mirror? Sanji isn't in there, right? I changed in here earlier."

Chopper hopped out of Nami's arms and shook his head, "No he's not here, that's what we wanted to talk to you about. Can you come in here or are people going to come into your room soon?"

Getting up, I walked over to the mirror and placed my hand on the surface of it, "Well how am I supposed to get in there?" Carrot ran away and then brought back a huge bag that had a lady in it. "Uh... what the fuck? We're kidnapping old ladies now?"

"She's the one who attacked us first!" Chopper and Carrot shouted.

I put my hands up, "Alright alright. Now what does she have to do with me getting in there?"

"This~!" Carrot chirped, placing the old woman in the middle of the mirror. My hand that was on the mirror fell through it and I almost crushed Chopper in the process. "Her power controls mirrors!"

"Wow, that's actually a really cool devil fruit," I voiced, looking over at the woman in the bag. She lifted her chin proudly and closed her eyes. She couldn't say anything since there was something over her mouth.

I moved completely into this other dimension, coming into a pink and purple checkered space covered with other mirrors. Seriously, this is a super cool power. I didn't have time to revel in it, though, since Chopper, Nami, and Carrot began talking my ear off about what happened to them thus far. Jinbei, Brook and Pedro were here as well. What I got from the exchange of information was: Mirror lady's name is Brulee, Pudding is evil, Lola is Big Mom's run-away child, Brook got the Poneglyph, Luffy wants everyone to meet Bege so we can maybe become allies, Bege is a guy who wants to kill Big Mom even if he's part of her crew, and Luffy got Sanji to come as well.

"And where have you been, (y/n)? Did you meet with Big Mom?" Nami asked.

I nodded, "Yea, I have. She's insane and she's pretty much completed the puzzle that is my family history. She wants me to marry one of her sons because I'm part 'Celestial Dragon'."

"ANOTHER MARRIAGE?!" Chopper, Carrot, Brook, and Nami shrieked.

Jinbei stepped forward, "Who is the son she assigned you to?"

"Katakuri," I responded.

"Wh-what?" his eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"Yea? He's like 100ft tall and has a scarf on, right?" I asked, just to make sure.

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