Wano's Banquet

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Omg guys!!! Got my first stalker at work 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 I must just be that sexy teehee haha just too cool and nice and amazing‼️‼️‼️ (I shat bricks all week cuz of it and I hate my life)

Ahem... and so I am in the Capital building, waiting for Luffy and Zoro to wake up like everyone else. It was the only way to stop Sanji from his quest to kill Law. Usopp was the one to suggest it. I sighed and looked at Nami who was very much frustrated. I had my legs tucked under me with my hands in the air as punishment, which was handed to me by Usopp as well. He left to go fix stuff with Franky so he instructed Nami to hold me to it. Sanji has yet to see me doing said punishment because he's guarding my closed room, so he won't be saving me from this.

"Why is Sanji walking around the halls seething?" she asked, right as the blond stomped past the door again.

"I would rather not say," I sweatdropped. "So, I offer this change of topic: How was everything while I was gone?"

She gave me a look before saying, "Alright, so you won't tell me about your time with Torao... willingly. Fine. We've been peaceful on this side. Momonosuke has planned a feast for everyone when Luffy and Zoro wake up."

I nodded, "Ah, sounds eventful and fun."

"Says the girl living it up with her new boyfriend. You're lucky you got here before they woke up! Do you know what Luffy would have done if he found out we let you stay with another crew for more than 30 minutes?!" she reprimanded me.

"I-I planned to come back before they woke up anyway! I wanted to be here for it, I just needed to spend a little more time with Bepo... we're splitting from them, y'know!" I defended.

She rolled her eyes and sat beside me. "Right, Bepo is your whole reason for being there. Torao practically kidnapped you and ran off when you passed out at Onigashima! He left a note and disappeared, damnit! WHO DOES THAT?! HE SHOULD HAVE WENT ALL THE WAY AND ASKED FOR A RANSOM!" she shouted. "WE BARELY FOUND THE NOTE WHEN THE CREW WAS ON THE VERGE OF PANICKING!"

"Well I was unconscious so I had no say in that..." I threw the Heart Crew under the bus. Sorry, guys. I gotta put me first.

"I KNOW! Torao is usually so levelheaded, you're seriously a bad influence!" she scolded. How did the blame come my way anyway? Is this what they call instant karma?

There was a new stomping outside, followed by the door swinging open. In came in a small attendant. "Big news!" she announced. "Lufytaro and Zorojuro are awake!"

"Wow, I'm a bringer of luck," I said.

Nami sighed and stood up. "Let's head over there, then. Your punishment is over."

"Thank you for your lenience," I expressed my gratitude quickly, dropping my arms and standing up. The two of us walked into the hallway, where we told Sanji to follow after us. He seemed to forget about Law for now and gained a happier mood. Otama and Otoko saw us on the way there and joined us as well.

When we got to the room, Luffy and Zoro already had piles of food and booze that they were inhaling like there was no tomorrow. Chopper showed up right when we did, and everyone else followed suit. Chopper was trying to keep Zoro from eating so much while Yamato was greeting Luffy. Nami, Sanji, Otama, me and Otoko sat down near the futons that were laid on the floor. I didn't bother greeting the two guys that just woke up, considering their main concern right now is filling up their stomachs.

"Luffy! Zoro! You are up!" Momonosuke chimed as he ran into the room with Yamato and Hiyori.

"Luffy! You woke up!" Yamato cheered.

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