Arc 03

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[ World 2 processing...]

[ Processing... ]

[ Processing... ]

[ World 2: Successful! ]

[ All Main Missions Accomplished. +1500 ]

[ Rewards will be given.

Total points: 2900 ]

System: Congratulations, Host! The world is saved with flying colors~

Kite opened his eyes after hearing Wes, his eyes calm. The feeling of floating was gone and he felt a solid ground in his feet. The whole space turned into a white room with a simple bed. A mirror was in the wall in front of him and saw his self. It was his original appearance, a man with a slender body and a handsome face.

He touched it while looking in the mirror and sighed ruefully, this face was really troublesome in his original world. He has to cover it when going outside...

Wes interrupted his reminiscing and said, Host, you can use the system shop now!

The ball of fluff glowed and a panel appeared in front of him, Tadaa! This is the system shop! It has anything you want! Buy buy buy!

He was about to open his mouth when the space suddenly turned red and a familiar system announcement was heard. He looked around stunned and Wes fluff body shook like an angry cat.

[ Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. ]

A black mist suddenly appeared and surrounded the space.

[ System Error...#$_#¢¥cb...]

Kite's eyes widened at the familiar black mist, isn't that the mist Frid used in the laboratory? Why is it here?

System: Host! Host! It's an emergency so I'll send you first! Bye!

[ Huh? Wait what-- ]

Kite's body slowly disappeared and Wes turned to the black mist after confirming that his Host is safely send to the next world. Wes's fluff body glitches and disappeared, what appears next is a man with black shirt and pants. The man has sharp golden eyes and looked cold at first glance. He looked coldly at the black mist with narrowed eyes.

The black mist seemed to sense him and attacked aggressively. The man waved his hand and gripped the mist. The mist tried to escape when it noticed that he's more powerful than him but failed. The whole space turned back to normal.

He indifferently tightened his grip and walked towards a door that suddenly appeared in the space. The door opened and he entered the dark room, wailing and screams was heard before the door closed.

In a dark lit room with grey walls, a pale youth was sleeping peacefully in the bed. He isn't breathing but suddenly he opened his eyes and reached out to the ceiling.

" Wait! "

He looked dumbfoundedly at the unfamiliar ceiling and looked around. He sat up and saw an overturned sleeping bottle on the small table beside the bed he was on. Pill was scattered on the table and on the bed. It's clear that the owner wanted to suicide and succeeded making him occupy the body.

The place was gloomy and there's not much furniture aside from the bed and table. The place was empty. It's like no one was living inside. He tried to stood up but found that this body is feeling weak.

He still stood up and leaned on the table and walked towards the mirror he just saw inside the bathroom. He took a deep breath after reaching and look at himself in the mirror.

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