4.10 Give You Candy

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" Ahh!? so he isn't the f*cking hero!? Damn! Sh*t! " He cursed and teleported to the place again, the houses was gone and the dead bodies on the ground was also gone, only the black burned ground was the only thing left.

He search everywhere the town but didn't find the real hero, he destroyed the ground in anger.

He turned around and glanced at the place where the kid who fooled him died. He approach the place and found that he was already buried, he tsk'ed and dugout the dead body and stared. The boy's body was clean and there's no sign of any wounds at all.

" Hmm? This boy has an amazing potential! A pity he's dead now. He's really not the hero? Such a waste. " He said as he nudge the kid's body, he felt interested as to how that happened as he amusedly look at the body.

" Meh, I'll gift him to the demon king. I'm sure he'll like him! Hehehe " Saying this, he took the body of the child to the demon king's castle.

He stopped and filled the hole he just dug then left.

Appearing at the castle, he immediately walked towards the demon king's throne room.

Bursting to the door, inside were his fellow generals of the demon king. He walked towards the center.

" My king! I have a gift for you! Look at what I found!! " He said excitedly as he present the body to them.

" Hmm? " The demon king leisurely glanced at the body and grew interested at what he saw.

" Oi, what's that? " A blue skinned man with gills on his side approach him to peek at the body.

" Oohh! " He gasped when he saw the body, amazed. The boy's potential almost rivals the hero's!

" Put it here. "

" Yes! " He said as he put the body in front of the king. He then slowly retire, it's his payment for failing to kill the hero. He peeked to see the expression of his king and saw him looking in satisfaction at the body.

" Good. I'll make use of your gift. " He said before raising his hands, a strand of his magic connected to the body.

Lucius was stranded in a familiar dark space, he looked around and thought that maybe he failed the mission but paused when he saw light from afar. He excitedly followed that light and saw a place.

A white haired kid was coming out of the bushes and fall on the ground, his white with gold lines and delicate robed got disheveled but he didn't mind as he continued to run towards the forest.

From afar, he saw elderlies following the child with the same robes but without the gold lines.

Lucius saw the kid enter a dark cave to hide, the elderlies pass by and seemed to avoid the cave.

The child sighed out of relief and his bright golden eyes curiously looked around the cave and walked inside, Lucius sweatdrops at this kid. To dare enter this dark cave that screams ominous really shows his brave and courageous spirit!

Brave and courageous spirit my ass!

Obviously, you should not hide and enter in this kind of place!!!

Lucius followed him worriedly.

He saw the child trip on a chain, it rustled and created noise in the cave. The child panicked and looked at the entrance anxiously then stood up hurriedly to run deeper...

Why deeper!?

Isn't the normal reaction would be to go out of here!?

Oh God! Lucius never felt so frustrated before.

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