1.10 Your Fault

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" I'll take this guy and you take that one? " Louis said as he finished checking his wings.

Unn and Sal snapped out of their thoughts after they heard him. This is the first time they saw an Angeli with his wings, though they did feel amazed at Riel's but Louis was... different. He looked so beautiful with his white wings, he's almost glowing.

He looked like an actual angel seen in the picture books and the kind that has gentle and kind eyes. They realized that they really is an Angels from the ancient times and living as humans in this world.

Riel looked at the two bastards with mouth open looking at his brother, they looked intoxicated. He wanted to beat them out but he can't win so he just grabbed the two of them and fly.

" Ahhhh, wait wait! " Sal shouted as they were dangling in the sky, seeing how high they were. He tightly grabbed Riel's arms looked at his brother, Unn fainted.

Louis followed them immediately and looked at Riel carrying the two. He tried to take one of them but Riel avoided him.

"I can carry them, don't worry. I can even carry a mountain, you know? "He said smugly. Louis looked at the twins who looked disheveled and just nodded.

Flying through the skies, they arrived at the location given to them and landed. The moment Louis landed, the seal came back and his wings disappeared.

" It's only a temporary removal. "Riel said and put the two who was shaken the entire journey to the ground. He landed and his wings also disappeared.

He looked around and saw a building, if he didn't know that there's something here he might have not noticed it.

"Let's rest here, they won't try anything for a while. " Louis said as he also found the building. That's where Mikael is, he wants to immediately go but the twins is still uncomfortable. If they went like this, they will be in more danger. He has to be patient. He bit his lips and gripped his hands into fist.

[ Wes, can you see where Mikael's location inside? ] Kite asked the system. Wes scanned the building and reply to his Host.

System: Host, I can't sense anything inside that building. The bug must be inside.

Kite nodded, [ As expected. They are inside. ]

Louis is sure that they are inside. The culprit has baited him to come here, they must have prepared a trap.

A short while later, Unn and Sal woke up. They realized what happened and covered their faces, It's embarrassing but they fainted.

" Here, water. " They looked at Louis who passed them the water jug. Unn sighed and accepted it. They noticed a building not far away.

'It must that one.' Unn thought as he drinks. He passed it to Sal and asked Louis.

" Are we going inside? " Louis nodded and packed up. They stand up and walked inside the building. It was empty inside but it's clean. They suddenly saw a big screen coming from the ceiling.

They readied their abilities in case something happens. Louis gripped his bags as he watched it slowly go down.

After finally coming down, a man's face appeared from the screen. With long platinum hair and dark blue eyes, they realized he is an Angeli but not of pure blood.

The man smiled, " Hello, guests. I'm Frid Borealis. Nice to see you. "With a friendly and gentle voice, he greeted them but his eyes were chillingly cold.

They didn't answer and just looked at him coldly.

" Where is Mikael? "Louis asked.

The man, Frid, chuckles.

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