Arc 01

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System: Here's the Main Task and the world's basic information, Host

Kite opened his eyes only to be bombarded by this world's information. He closes his eyes from the sudden pain because of overload information.


[ Main Task:

(1) Save The Villain

(2) Prevent the Villain from destroying the World

Rewards: 1000

Information: The worldis..#@destroy__&#_$plot@&€£^€>.... accurate..
Please stop the Villain from destroying the Protagonist's fate and save the World. ]

[ This... A bug? ] I asked Wes when I saw the information tab. Wes also saw that the panel is slightly twitching.

System: This.. I will report it to the Main System.

Kite nodded and decided to look into the World's background first.

[ This world is called Okaz, it has similarities to my previous world, this world has different races. You will know the race of a person by their color, the color of their eyes or hair. The world's races are coexisting since ancient times and the people living are hybrids of the previous pure races.

It seems that Okaz's development is the same as Earth.

It's a unique world, just what kind of plot is in this world? Let's see... ]

The protagonist of this world is a son of a prestigious family, the youngest. As one of the most influential families in the country as they have the blood of an ancient race, Angeli. Angeli is an ancient race that has platinum blonde hair and blue ocean eyes. They are pure, kind and proud creatures, has a power of healing and is gentle however they have a normal body compared to the strong werewolves and may considered weak and has pure white wings.

Riel lived happily, has a complete family and has many friends but all went wrong when his father announced that he has an illegitimate child, named Mikael, when he was 7 years old, making his mother so shocked and pained that she got heart attack and died while his father mourned and locked his self in despair, making Riel hate the boy at a young age. The boy was of the same age, skinny also he looks filthy with his muddy gray ripped shirt and black hair completely unlike his blonde one and his red eyed that looks so ugly. This looks, proves that they are not related, makes Riel hates him more so he bullied him, humiliated him. Riel was blackened from losing his mother and father for neglecting him as he was drowning in sorrow, knowing that his family is not perfect and from all the hate he had, he blamed it all on Mikael, the illegitimate child. After 3 years of making the boy suffer, he planned to get rid of Mikael from his family and succeeded.

After 12 years, Riel was successful in his life. His dad however was assassinated; he mourned but persevered as he still had his older brother, his only family left. His brother Louis had been comatose ever since he was five; Louis saved him from being hit by a car. Louis is 5 years older than him, until now he's still comatose, his brother is now his only hope and only family. In this time, Riel meets his childhood sweetheart and fall in love with her, they experience all hardships a protagonist should face and win it all. But before they even got happy ending in being married, they find themselves destroyed all suddenly. Riel's business got bankrupt; his big brother died, chased by some assassins and lost their child. Until death, they don't know what killed them.

Kite makes a strange face and he felt his lips twitching, he sighed at the cliche plot this World has, but he has one question.

[ What is this? Isn't the protagonists supposed to win the world? The protagonist doesn't look like he's a weakling. In the first place, how does an Angeli got blackened? ]

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