Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven

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Sirius stirred, his head pounding as he peered through his eyelashes at Remus, sitting next to him. "Hey, Moonshine.", he muttered, blinking up at him.

"Here you go.", Remus said, handing him the Pepper Up potion, which Sirius took gratefully. "How'd the mission go?", he asked, looking at the three of them.

"Mhm, good.", James said, sounding worried.

"What's with the concern, Prongs?", Sirius laughed, resting his head against Remus.

"You said something when you were drunk.", Lily said tentatively.

"I said a lot of things when I was drunk.", Sirius murmured, playing with Remus' hair, smirking as he reddened.

"Stop it, it's actually serious.", James said sharply, "And don't make that fucking pun right now."

Sirius looked up at him, confused, "What's got all your knickers in a twist?"

"Sirius-", Remus started.

"What's gotten my knickers in a twist is I don't want a repeat of what happened in the astronomy tower.", James said, his voice cracking.

"Fuck you.", Sirius spat, "Fuck you, James."

"He's just worried for you, Pads. You need to know that we'd miss you if- if you were gone, of course we would. We're your best friends, and bloody hell, I'm in love with you. I don't know what I'd do.", Remus said loudly, standing up.

"I know- I just- I can't even explain it, but it's worse, it's like there's this voice in my head, and I can't get it out. It keeps saying things, these horrible things and-", he broke off, "I sound like a psychopath."

"You're not a psychopath, come here.", Lily said gently, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm not?"

"God, I've been snapping at you all week, Prongs. I'm sorry.", Sirius sniffled.

"It's okay.", James said guiltily, as Remus kissed the top of Sirius' head.

The hairclip in Sirius' pocket began to flash, and he sighed, pulling it out. "I have to go. I love you. Happy New Year, in case I don't get back.", Sirius said, hugging everyone, kissing Remus, and then he was gone.

"I love you too, Happy New Year.", Remus called, as the door slammed shut.

"Happy New Year.", James and Lily chorused,

"Think he'll be okay?", Lily asked, staring after him.

"He will.", James said, as Remus nodded, fiddling with his hands. "Pete's coming back tomorrow.", Lily reminded quietly.

"Yeah, hope Pomfrey can heal him soon.", Remus said nervously.

"Is it bad that I want him to come back?", James asked, after a beat, "Obviously I want him to be okay-- but it's too hard, having one of your best mates so far away."

"It's not bad, I bet he's thinking the same thing.", Lily said, a small smile on her face.

the next day

The phone rang, and Remus picked it up, holding it to his ear.

"Pete? Thought you were coming back, everything alright?", he asked.

"Hey, Remus, it's Alex."

"Alex? What's wrong?", Remus asked, James and Lily coming into the room.

"Er- oh god, Remus, it was horrible. Stanley- he's dead.", Alex choked out, and a crackle went through the phone.

"Oh my god-- Alex, oh my god."

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