Chapter 8

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Today is the day! I'll be witnessing a recording session! Can't believe I will be entering G Talent Entertainment, the house of many talented and famous voice actors!

I'm actually here at the entrance of the agency. Maria said I could go directly to the reception area to give me a pass so that I could enter the recording studio. Maria already informed the reception that I am a guest.

The receptionist gave me a pass, a card that could give me access to the elevator and to the recording studio. How hi-tech!

As I walked towards the elevator, my eyes wandered to my surroundings. This building has a state of the art interior design! This company might be ultra rich since this is a foreign company that originated in Japan.

I entered the elevator, tapped my card pass and pressed the 24th floor.

I'm already at the 24th floor, as stated by Maria and I should look for the studio named Studio A. The first studio I passed by is Studio H. I think the studio here is arranged in alphabetical order but in reverse so the studio I'm looking for might be on the end of this hallway.

I casually walked through the hallway and looked to each studio rooms as I pass by. I peeked on a long vertical glass pane of the door which let you peek inside the room. I could only see a dark studio room and all I can see is  a lounge and a recording booth.

I reached to Studio D and I saw lights were turned on. Inside the room, I saw Conrad sitting on the lounge and it seems he is vocalizing something while holding a book of some sort. I can barely hear what he is saying.

I continuously look at him. He's practicing his lines for the script, maybe? He really seems dedicated in his industry. I can really see his passion. He's quite cool to look at with that serious look of his.

That's right, even his manager said that he practices so hard. Why does he practice so hard?

He suddenly looked at the door and looked surprised at me. He stood up from the sofa then went and opened the door.

"Hey, you've arrived. Nice to see you again." He happily smiled at me.

I suddenly felt nervous when he suddenly smiled at me like that.

"Sorry if I disturbed you." I nervously said.

"It's alright. I'm just practicing for the recording in a few minutes."

"Really? Don't push yourself. I believe that you've had enough practice. You're a talent here in your company so that means you have excellent talent."

He disagreed and said "I made my way here because of hard work. You praise me too much."

I smiled at him and I excitedly said "I was invited by Maria to watch your recording session. This will be my first time to witness an actual recording session! It was nice of Maria to invite me."

"She's that kind of person ever since. Anyways, I think we should go to Studio A now. Recording will start soon.

We arrived and entered at Studio A. I saw Maria and her manager named Ms. Yukimasa, Conrad's manager named Mr. Goto, and three people from my company's advertising department.

"I'm glad you arrived Athena!" she went towards me and hugged me. I also hugged her back too.

She let me go and said "Are you excited to witness a real recording session?"

"You bet I am!" I felt ecstatic when I said this.

"Since Subaru is here, we can start the rehearsal first. Ms. Maria, please enter to the recording booth." A staff from G Talent announced this.

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