Chapter 32

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I'm with Maya sitting in front of me. We're in a fastfood restaurant just a few blocks away from my company.

She doesn't look as cheerful like last the last time I saw her during the live voice acting event.

Is there a major problem with her long distance boyfriend?

We're eating some burgers and fries with cola.

"You don't look cheerful today. Is there something wrong with your boyfriend?" I asked.

She grabbed her drink, took a sip and put down her drink.

She gave me a worried look. "I think he's cheating on me."


She replied me with a nod and said that he always makes excuses of not wanting to have video calls and he often misses her calls. She's getting a feeling that he is tired of her.

"That's a big red flag. Have you ever thought breaking up with him?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he has reasons. Since college has started in Japan, students are getting busy."

She looks uneasy but she tries her best not to accuse him of infidelity immediately.

"Is being a first year in college a busy time? I don't think so. When I was a first year, I had a lot of free time because first years tend to have minor subjects." I said.

"You've got a point but you know... Maybe he is busy hanging out with his new circle of friends."

I sighed. "Trust your gut feelings. If he still loves you, he would still make the time and effort to call you regularly and not make stupid excuses for not answering your calls."

"Do you think he's cheating on me?"

I bluntly said that he is definitely cheating on her. He might have met another girl from his class.

She let out a heavy sigh then ate a piece of fries.

"I think I should wait for him to tell me what he thinks of our relationship."

"Don't wait for him. Confront him when you got the chance. If I were you, I want to break up with him immediately!" I said this with conviction.

"But of course, you still need to know his side of the story." I added.

"Long distance relationship is hard. You can't monitor your significant other as often like before when I left for America. I thought it was easy because you can still talk and see each other through a smart phone." She said.

She decided that she will annoy him to answer her calls to know the real reason why her boyfriend would always ditch her calls.

"You are friends with Maria too, right?" She asked.

I nodded and said that I am close with Maria.

"She will be coming to our house next week and I'm so excited to hangout with her!"

Maya also added that even though Maria is the ex of Conrad, Maya still treats her as a sister.

"It would be fun to have a road trip or stay at a resort for this summer with Maria. I should make the best out of my summer vacation before I start my college life in September!" She took a bite from her burger and took a sip from her cola drink.

"You should come with us for this summer vacation! Maria and my brother would be delighted if you spend the summer vacation with us!"

Her eyes were sparkling and excited waiting for my response.

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