Chapter 10

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It's Conrad's audition today. I'm hoping that he'll get the role of Tarou! It will be this afternoon for the results on who will be chosen.

We still met yesterday and the other day to see if he got the role right. He promised that he did not stayed up late for practicing his role and ate on time. When I saw him yesterday after work, he seemed lively and his color has improved. This is the result for fulfilling his promise. I kind of feel happy.

He really got the role right. I felt like Tarou has come alive when Conrad tried to read his line! The evilness of Tarou was really conveyed properly by Conrad.

He even said that he finished all the manga volumes I've given to help him internalize but it was more effective for him to internalize his role when I helped him. He did realize one thing that his performance might have affected him in the past when he sleeps very late and does not eat properly due to internalizing his role for too long.

I think he got the hang of it by appreciating his role better. It's better to have someone by his side to practice but he can't forever depend on someone to help him practice. Well, I think sooner or later, he will get better independently.

"Guys, I have an announcement." Sir Mark is announcing something. All of us gathered to where Sir Mark is.

"I have already said this to Athena that we will have another recruit to our team. His name is Henry Moore. He will be under the supervision of Athena for one week starting next week."

Zilly, Charles, Reese, and other employees in our department looked at me.

"You'll be mentoring a new recruit this time, Athena. This will be your first time to mentor someone." Reese happily said this.

"Next announcement is we will be having a dinner night out today!" All of us reacted excitedly to the announcement.

"It will be the company's treat since our sales have sky rocketed lately. We'll be joining with the advertising team." Sir Mark said.

That's nice! Hurray for free dinner! Where would be eating? I hope it's just near the workplace.

"We'll be going to Garland city for our dinner night out so go with someone who has a car to go there." He added.

What? Garland city?! It's quite far! My commute going home will be quite a hassle! I'm not even that familiar with the commute in that place.

"Sir Charles, you have a car, right? Can I ride on your car?" Zilly bluntly asked Charles.

He agreed and said "Of course". He then looked at me and to Reese.

"You can both ride at my car. Apparently the others will ride on Sir Mark and to Sir John."

I looked at the others and they seemed planning to ride at Sir Mark and John. I don't want to ride with him, to be honest.

Anyway, how can I go home after our dinner outing? I don't want to go home late. For sure we'll eat out until 11pm or so.

Am I the only one that has a problem going home? We have never eaten out that far before. We usually dine out near our workplace.

"That would be all. Any objections or any violent reactions?" Sir Mark said.

I looked to other colleagues and seemed they don't have any problems. It makes me want to back out but I just can't say that I don't know how to go home from Garland city!

I waited if someone would react but none of us raised their objections. Oh no.

Sir Mark announced "Alright then. It's settled. Let's go back to business." and we all went back to our respective places.

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