Chapter 56

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"My wife's amazing with her cooking." Her dad proudly said this to me.

I told him that I tasted her dish and it was delicious.

"Say, tell me about yourself. I just only know you're a co-worker of Athena." Her dad said.

I told him my name, age, and where I live.

"Stein? Are you related with the Steins in politics?" He asked.

I'm conflicted whether I should tell the truth because I am part of the Stein family he's talking about. I'm not publicly known compared to my other siblings and I'm not comfortable about me being a member of a political family.

I was about to say my reply but the two ladies served the dish to the table.

The four of us started eating dinner. Apparently, Athena's family eats this dish with rice.

Oh right, Athena has an asian descent.

I like this dish. It's great when you eat it with rice!

"So are you a member of the Stein political family?" He asked.

The Barling family looks at me with curious eyes. I'm very conflicted now. I don't want to lie to her parents.

I put down my spoon and told them that I am a member of that family.

"Are you the son of Benjamin Stein? According to news, he has three sons and one daughter. You're the youngest?" Her father said.

"Yes, I'm the youngest son."

"Really?! I never knew! I only heard rumors about you being part of an established family at the company but that was never confirmed." Athena said this with a surprised reaction.

"Well, I just don't like getting the attention of being part of a political family." I said.

"You're a humble guy, aren't you?" Her mom smiled at me.

I smiled at her too.

"Indeed." Her father agreed with his wife.

I suddenly remembered that Athena and I are going to Japan for three months.

I should say to her parents that I am the one who will be coming with her.

I told her parents that Athena and I are going to Japan for a business trip next week.

Her mom and dad were shocked. It seems Athena hasn't told them.

Her parents are all eyes on her. They complained why she didn't tell them. She just told them that she forgot because it was just announced yesterday.

"Only the two of you? For three months? That's too long!" Her mom said.

"I'll be taking good care of her, don't worry." I smiled at her parents brightly but I suddenly felt my foot is being crushed.

I still maintained my smile while my foot is being stepped on my Athena. Her face is signaling me not to say anything that could give away our present relationship.

Her foot is grinding my foot! Ouch!

She finally removed her foot and I still remained my composure.

I looked at her father and he seemed in deep thought.

He looked at me and said that he feels reassured.

Her mother suddenly asked Athena how she got the wound on her lip.

Her father suddenly looked at me with a strict and piercing look as if I was the one who wounded her look

"The snack I ate was too delicious that I didn't chew well." She awkwardly said this.

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