Chapter 50

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"Okay, go on."

I try to be calm as possible.

He looked at me with his eager and earnest eyes. This make me think he's going to say something important.

"Is there any room for me in your heart?"

That caught me off guard. His face suddenly turned grim. I'm beginning to sweat because I don't know what to say to him.

"I told you before that I might not be able to return your feelings no matter what you do." I said.

He forcefully smiled at me then looked away from me.

"Yeah. Turns out you didn't budge from that statement. Nothing has progressed and you won't open your heart for me."

I clenched my fists as I heard that from him. It's painful to hear that from him.

"Should I give up on you for good? I feel like I'm going nowhere and it's clearly that you don't have feelings for me." He leaned forward and rested his forehead against his hand with his elbows propped on his knees.

He agreed in the first place that it will be alright for him that there is no assurance that I might return his feelings. I clearly stated to him that it's not my fault in any case that he is lead on by me.

I should reassess my feelings. I'm still into Lucas and I've decided that I will be the one to make the first move to get closer to him.

As I reflect on what I feel for him, I still haven't moved on from his bad treatment on me but I know it has a backstory on it. It's flattering that he likes me way back when we were in high school, however, I don't think this is the basis for me to like him.

Looking back of the times I was with him, majority of it was not the best, some of it was worse. He even took my first kiss!

I should decide now that I should not leave him hanging. I think I should really cut him off.

"I think it's best to really give up on me. I'm sorry..."

He sat up straight then slouched on the backrest of the bench then looked at the sky.

He smiled at the sky then looked at me with his painful expression.

"As expected."

He sighed and sat properly.

"My nephew called me and gave me push to tell you what I feel right now."


"The son of my brother doctor, your physician."

Oh, I saw that son of Dr. Stein on his family photo at his office at the hospital. His son is cute and handsome too.

"He knows I like you and was excited to see you as my girlfriend. However, that wouldn't happen in the near future."

Really? He's close with this nephew if that's the case. Kind of embarrassing that he has told his nephew about me.

He stood up and stretched his arms up in the air. As he brought down his arms, he faced at me then outstretched his hand to me.

I grabbed it and he pulled me gently to stand up.

We're looking at each other's eyes and I can see his eyes are in pain.

"I think this is it. I'll stop for real this time. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time because of me."

Oh no. I feel like crying. It's painful to be not liked back by the one you like. I've experienced that for so mamy times.

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