Chapter 20

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I'm at G Talent in one of their meeting rooms with Conrad. We started figuring out what does he need to improve on. He already demonstrated to me on one of his lines but I think it's already perfect already.

His voice his so manly and to be honest, it's like I can fall in love with him just for his voice.

Anyways, I still can't understand what's wrong. It's perfect already.

"I don't get it. I think it's perfect already. Can you recall anything from your voice acting school days that can help you with your dilemma?"

He brushed his hair towards the back with his fingers using one hand. He looked flustered looking at the script he's holding.

"I don't know either. I've got two days before my real recording starts." He said.

Someone knocked the door and opened the door. It was Lucas and he entered the room.

"Athena! Nice to see you again!" Lucas sat beside me while Conrad sits in front of us.

His bright smile makes me melt.

"Nice to meet you too, Lucas!" I smiled at him.

"Any progress?" Lucas asked.

"No. I can't figure out what the director needs me to do. He wanted me to figure it out on my own." Conrad said.

Lucas rubbed his chin slowly as if he is trying to figuring out something.

Lucas suggested to try tweaking his emotions when internalizing a character.

"I don't think that's the problem. The director even pointed out that everything is okay but I'm lacking something." Conrad said.

Lucas became involved with our brainstorming. We've talked about the possibilities of what Conrad was lacking. We've been doing this for two hours already.

"Hungry? Anyone?" Conrad asked us.

"Nah. I already ate my brunch. Athena maybe." Lucas pointed me out.

"I haven't eaten lunch yet, actually." I said this to Conrad.

"Me too. I'll go downstairs to bring us some lunch. Are you choosy with food?" Conrad asked.

I was about to get my wallet from my bag that is on my lap but Conrad stopped me.

"Stop! I'll buy you lunch. I've gotten another favor from you so lunch is on me."


"Don't worry. It's really on me. You're not choosy with food, right? I can't tell what is the menu right now in the canteen." He said.

I gave in and I let him do what he wants. I said that I will eat whatever he orders.

Conrad left the room and now I'm left alone with Lucas. I'm getting awkward.

He put his arm on the table perpendicularly and he rested his face while on his palm. He looked at me and I suddenly shied away from his eye contact.

"You're a very helpful fellow. That's nice." He smiled at me.

I looked at him and said "Conrad's very nice to me so it's alright for me to help him. I like the voice acting industry so I am much willing to help."

"Conrad's a nice fellow too. A very humble and a workaholic dude. He really tries his best." He praised Conrad for his personality.

"Since you've helped him successfully landed on his first major role, you can be successful in this industry if you worked here. You've got talent working with voice actors. Try applying here at GT. You can be a manager for a talent or work in the studio with directors. Plus, you like this industry." He said.

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